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课程:工作分析的方法与技术 题目:如何进行工作分析并撰写工作如何进行工作分析并撰写工作用于招聘用于评价 其中一个最具压力和合法但令人生畏的任务就是一个人力资源经理或者雇主必须要面对员工的处分或解雇。然而,具有一个工作描述书可以客观地展示出雇员未能满足你的期望的方面他们说,他们不知道签署的表格,清楚地列出了你所说的职责和证据证明他们确实了解这些这两个工具在失业保险索赔争议您也可以出示你评价,显示雇员工作表现不符合标准现在你知道为什么你需要,接下来,您将学习如何写一个,工作分析开始如何进行工作分析修改并提交最终批准审查公司文件招募说明书成功地工作并询问他们是否希望添加或删除如果是这样的话结合原有的工作拥有工商管理硕士和注册会计师执照要成功地履行工作的职责会计,商业,金融或其他相关领域可能还需要包括教育和工作经验的可以接受的组合例如,一个硕士学位等于5年的工作经验和学士学位,类似领域10年的工作经验此时工作分析来看例如,员工可能会表示,他们的职责包括:去邮局,处理传入和传出邮件的“邮件处理”。职责主管的说明没有提到作为这个职位所要求的责任,因此应该从你的将不再需要承担这个责任当你完成这个步骤,你应该有一个最低资格,并须履行有关工作职责。让他们查看,以确保它覆盖了所需的全部职责,以及所有执行工作所具备的资格一定要给予他们足够的时间来完成其审查与工作相关的责任修改并提交最终批准当你有最后的草案一旦获得批准,你就可以准备写正式的工作描述如何撰写工作您可以按照贵公司的的模型修改日期工作确保人员使用最先进的最新版本 岗位代码: 每周工作的时间: 工作地点: 部门: 上级主管: 岗位资格: 岗位职责: 申请地点: 联系信息X/X/XXX修改 修改人:XXXX 文章出处: /article/8226/how_to_conduct_a_job_analysis_and_write.html?cat=3 How to Conduct a Job Analysis and Write a Job Description Why it is Important to Have Job Descriptions 1. Use for recruiting.? 2. Use for evaluations.? 3. Use for disciplinary actions and terminations.? Accurate and concise job descriptions are critical for your company’s personnel management. First, the job description is used to recruit applicants that are qualified and who are capable of performing all of the duties that make up the job. During the interview process, job descriptions can?be used to focus the questioning on tasks and qualifications that the job requires. Once an employee has been selected and hired then they should be given a copy of their jobdescription so that they know exactly what they are expected to do. They should also be given a form to sign stating that they have received a copy of the their job description and that they understand all of the job requirements and that they agree to meet the job’s requirements.? Job descriptions can, and should also be used to evaluate employee performance. Each duty listed in the job description should be an area addressed by a bi-annual or annual employee evaluation, and scored as poor, needs work, average, or sup


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