高中英语人教版必修二Unit 2全单元课件 The Olympic Games.ppt

高中英语人教版必修二Unit 2全单元课件 The Olympic Games.ppt

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策划:《学生双语报》 background? 奥林匹克运动会是由国际奥林匹克委员会举办的多项目的世界性运动会,每四年举行一次。因起源于古希腊奥林匹亚而得名。古代奥运会从公元前776年到公元394年,共历经293届,后被罗马皇帝以邪教活动罪名而废止。1894年在巴黎召开的国际体育会议,根据法国贵族顾拜旦的倡议成立了国际奥委会,并决定恢复奥运会。现代第一届奥运会于1896年在希腊雅典举行,此后在世界各地轮流举行。由于1924年开始设立了冬季奥林匹克运动会,因此奥林匹克运动会习惯上又称为“夏季奥林匹克运动会”。奥林匹克运动会现在已经成为了和平与友谊的象征。根据国际奥委会章程规定,国际奥委会根据申请举办的城市的组织能力和财力,决定授予某申请城市举办下一届奥运会的权利。 What are the important elements(元素) of Olympic Games? Olympic flame The fire represents life and passion. 圣火象征着发源于古希腊的文明之光,它照耀着人类前进的道路,激励着人类追求光明、追求理想,朝着崇高的目标不断进取。 Olympic Mascot 奥运吉祥物 It is a special kind of animal that represents the country which host the Olympic Games. 历届奥运吉祥物多为举办国民族文化中拟人化的动物,使奥运会更加诙谐而富有人情味。 吉祥物始于1972年第20届奥运会。当时的吉祥物是一只小猎狗。 Olympic emblem (P9) 1.Where did the ancient Olympic Games start? Olympia 2.How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games? One (Greece) 3.Who could not take part in the ancient Olympic Games? Slaves and women 4.Who was China’s first gold medal winner and for what event? Xu Haifeng for shooting 5.What are the three words that show the spirit of the Olympic Games? Swifter, Higher, stronger (P10) Read the text quickly and answer this question Do you know any differences between the ancient and modern Olympic Games? List two of them. Homework Read the text again and try to find more information about Olympic Games,and do the EX.1 on page 11 Read the text again and answer the following five questions.(p11) What upset Pausanias about the modern Winter Olympic Games? What amazes Pausanias about the modern Summer Olympic Games? Why does Pausanias think Ahens, Greece and Bejing, China should feel proud? Why does Pausanias think People may be competing for money in the modern Olympic Games? What makes Pausanias happy about the modern Olympic Games? 3. Why does Pausanias think Ahens, Greece and Bejing, China should feel proud? 4. Why does Pausanias think People may be competing for money in the modern Olympic Games? 5. What makes Pausanias happy about the modern Olympic Games? W


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