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Medicines 10 greatest discoveries Meyer Friedman and Berald W. Friedland 1998 by Yale University 維薩里 (Andreas Vesalius) 與現代人體解剖學 哈維 (William Harvey) 與血液循環論 雷文霍克 (Antony Leeuwenhoek) 與細菌 金納 (Edward Jenner) 與牛痘疫苗 朗 (Crawford Long) 與手術麻醉 倫琴 (Wilhelm Roentgen) 與X光 哈里遜 (Ross Harrison) 與組織培養 安尼契科夫 (Nikolai Anichkov) 與膽固醇 弗萊明 ( Alexander Fleming) 與抗生素 魏爾金 (Maurice Wilkins) 與DNA 維薩里 (Andreas Vesalius) 與現代人體解剖學 Galen, who served the emperor Marcus Aurelius, wrote over 500 books on medicine. Although Galen discovered the functions of many internal organs, he made many mistakes because he assumed that the human body worked exactly like that of other animals.? ~200; 華佗: 因刳破腹背,抽割積聚。若在腸胃,則斷截湔洗,除去疾穢,既可縫合,傅以神膏。 1041-1048 (宋仁宗);吳簡: 歐希範五臟圖。 1273 (元);孫煥: 玄門脈內照圖。 1331;李仲南: 永類欽方 (針、剪、刀、鑿、麻線、尋白線)。 1768-1831;王清任: 醫林改錯。 哈維 (William Harvey) 與血液循環論 William Harvey (1578-1657) using a deer to demonstrate the circulatory system. His research laid the foundation for a scientific approach to medicine. 哈維 (William Harvey) 與血液循環論 Harvey shows that venal blood flows only toward the heart. He ligatured an arm to make obvious the veins and their valves, then pressed blood away from the heart and showed that the vein would remain empty because blocked by the valve. On the Circulation of the Blood (1628). 朗 (Crawford Long) 與手術麻醉 Dr. Long was a young bachelor of 27, when he noticed that participants under the recreational use of ether felt no pain from injuries received during their “frolics.” He reached the conclusion that ether could make surgery painless. The opportunity to test his theory came when James Venable requested that Dr. Long remove a cyst from his neck. 另一個對照 華佗,字元化,又名敷,約生于公元2世紀初,死于東漢建安十三年(208)以前,沛國譙(今安徽亳縣)人。擅長外科麻醉手術。 在公元2世紀發明麻醉劑——“麻沸散” 。他用“麻沸散”做全身麻醉,進行開腹手術。《後漢書?華佗傳》記載:“若疾發結于內,針藥所不能及者,乃令先以酒服麻沸散,既醉無所覺,因刳破腹背,抽割積聚。若在腸胃,則斷截湔洗,除去疾穢,既可縫合,傅以神膏,四五日創愈,一月間皆平復。” 倫琴 (Wilhelm Roentgen) 與X光 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen’s discovery of x-rays in 1895. Experiments conducted prior to this official b


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