Unit 1 The open window——Based on a story by Saki.ppt

Unit 1 The open window——Based on a story by Saki.ppt

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Unit 1 The open window——Based on a story by Saki

a. She said that her husband and brothers would be back soon. b. Suddenly Mrs. Sappleton sat up straight in her chair. c. Mrs. Sappleton came into the room. B ② ④ ① d. Vera said she knew why Framton ran away. e. “Here they are at last !” she exclaimed. f. Framton explained that he needed to rest. g. Framton ran wildly out of the house. ⑦ ⑤ ③ ⑥ Language study Part 1 Words nerves 名词,神经质;神经紧张。 I never know what nerves are. 我神经从来都不紧张。 recommend 1.动词,推荐,介绍。 My teacher recommended me a nice book. 我老师向我推荐了一本好书。 2.动词,劝告,建议。 The doctor recommended the patient to do some light manual labour. 医生劝病人做一些轻微劳动。 tragedy 名词,悲剧,惨事 It was a tragedy that she died so young. 这么年轻就死了真是不幸。 swamp 名词,沼泽地,湿地。 His brother drowned in a swamp last summer. 他弟弟去年夏天在沼泽地里淹死了。 dreadful 形容词,可怕的,令人畏惧的。 What a dreadful scene! 多么可怕的一幕呀! avoid 动词,避免,回避。 Peter was very lucky to avoid an accident. 彼得很幸运,躲避了一场事故。 shiver 动词,(因寒冷或害怕)战栗,发抖。 He shivered with cold. 他冷得直发抖。 chill 名词,寒冷,寒战。 There is a chill in the air this evening. 今晚有些冷。 dim 形容词,不亮的,微暗的,模糊的。 There is a dim light in the distance. 远处有些微暗的光亮。 grab 动词,急抓,抢夺,夺取。 He grabbed his coat and ran out of the room. 他抓起衣服,跑了出去。 chase 动词,追赶,追逐。 The people chased a pig out of a wheat field. 人们把猪赶出了麦田。 Part 2 Idioms * * The Open Window ——Based on a story by Saki Introduction Part 1 The Author Saki, whose real name was Hector Hugh Munro, was born at the height of English Imperialism in Akyab, Burma, on December 18, 1870, to British parents, Charles Augustus and Mary Frances Munro. His father was a colonel in the British military. Saki Following the death of his mother, he was sent back to Devon, England, where he lived with his grandmother and aunts. This is why aunts were one of his favorite subjects for satire. In 1887, his father returned to England after retiring and subsequently traveled throughout Europe with his children. Saki returned briefly


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