unit3 a healthy life 公开课.ppt

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unit3 a healthy life 公开课

Unit 3. A healthy life Warming up Reading Make a list the benefits smoker can get from stopping smoking. (1 point for 1 benefit) Discussion It is not unusual to see some people around us smoking, such as some teachers, some classmates, our parents, etc. Do you concern their health? If so, what will you want to say to them? Homework Try to find some other useful ways to help smokers quit smoking on the Internet. Read the passage again and find out the important words and structures. First wealth is health. —— Emerson 爱默生 round 3 Make a summary of the advice on how to stop smoking. Be sure to use your own words and no more than five sentences. (1 point for 1 suggestion) What kind of person do you think Jame’s grandfather is? (4 points) He is fit and healthy He leads an active life He is caring and loves his grandson He is strict with his grandson E. He reads the Internet and is knowledgeable F. He also smokes and becomes addicted to cigarettes. √ √ √ √ * What do you think is important in our life? What is important in our life? house money/wealth car job/occupation family love friendship Health obesity stress/ pressure Physically unhealthy mentally unhealthy A truly healthy person should be healthy in both _____ and ______. body mind A healthy life should include ________ and ______ health. physical mental What’s a healthy person? What causes health issues? Cigarette smoking Physical fitness Drinking alcohol mental diseases Drug abuse Diet Stress Obesity …… Can you tell the harmful effects of smoking? The leaves of lung(肺叶)turn _______; The teeth fingers become ______. black yellow It is a waste of _______. money Smoking may cause ___________. air pollution The ends of cigarettes may _________. cause fire Smoking affects the health of the nonsmokers. 中国约十万人因吸二手烟而死. choose best Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine together.   香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。  Readin


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