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动画毕业论?文 论文题目 动画设计与?制作 《画》 专 业 动画 班 级 动漫设计与?制作 姓 名 学 号 指导教师 摘要 动画是一种?综合艺术门?类,是工业社会?人类寻求精?神解脱的产?物,它集合了绘?、漫画、电影、、摄影、音乐、文学等众多?艺术门类于?一身的艺术?表现形式赋予生命。ABSTR?ACT Anima?tion is a categ?ory of compr?ehens?ive art,which? is the produ?ct of manki?nd, who seek spiri?tual liber?ation? in indus?trial? socie?ty. It bring?s paint?ings, carto?ons, movie?s, digit?al media?, photo?graph?y, music?, liter?ature? and many other? kinds? of art toget?her in one form of artis?tic expre?ssion?. Short? film refer?s to anima?tion, which? has a lengt?h of less than 30 minut?es. Anima?ted Short? Film Love Manua?l gives? detai?led instr?uctio?ns on chara?cters? and scene?s in earli?er perio?d, the produ?ction? of origi?nal anima?tion in middl?e-term and softw?ares used in post produ?ction? sound? by intro?dutci?ng the purpo?se of the creat?ion and the sourc?e of inspi?ratio?n.It prese?nts a thoro?ugh analy?sis produ?ction? detai?ls of Love Manua?l from conte?nt to pictu?re, inclu?ding vario?us metho?ds they used in creat?ion, and how to reali?ze synch?ronis?m throu?gh post sound? effec?ts editi?ng. Furth?ermor?e,it gives? a brief? intro?ducti?on on seizi?ng skill?fully? the opera?tion of relat?ed varie?ty softw?are and handl?ing of the pictu?res. Last but not the least?,I will propo?se concr?ete sugge?stion? to overc?ome obsta?ckles? we encou?nter durin?g anima?tion creat?ion. KEY WORDS? Anima?tion ; Love Manua?l ; desig?n ; art 目录 1.前言 - 5 - 1.1 动画概论 - 5 - 1.2 动画特点 - 5 - 1.3 研究课题理?论和现实意?义 - 7 - 2.动画短片创?作介绍 - 7 - 2.1 设计目的 - 8 - 2.2 创作灵感 - 8 - 3.制作流程 - 10 - 3.1 前期制作 - 10 - 3.2 中期制作 - 11 - 3.3 后期制作 - 11 - 4.研究方案 - 13 - 4.1 研究内容介?绍 - 13 - 4.2 最终结果介?绍 - 15 - 4.3 画面表现介?绍 - 17 - 5.困难及解决?方案 - 20 - 5.1 困难 - 20 - 5.2 解决 - 20 - 6.结论 - 21 - 参考文献 - 22 - 致谢 - 23 - 1.前 言 1.1 动画短片的?概念 动画它是以?艺术为主,技术为辅,相结合的专?业。能“赋予生命种叙事艺术?形态而成的?为电影的一?种类型,可以说是一?种特殊形式?,动画片与常?规电影的


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