论公众对司法独立的影响 毕业论文_精品.doc

论公众对司法独立的影响 毕业论文_精品.doc

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论公众对司法独立的影响 毕业论文_精品

玉林师范学院成高本科生毕业论文 ? ?   论公众对司法独立的影响 Independence of the judiciary on the impact of public 院 系 玉林师院 专 业 法 学 学 生 班 级 ? 姓 名 学 号 20101260012 指导教师单位 玉林师院 指导教师姓名 指导教师职称 教 授 论公众对司法独立的影响 中文摘要 司法独立是法治社会的内在要求,对保证司法裁判的公平、正义,维护社会秩序,满足社会成员对效益的需求具有重要的意义。司法独立是司法改革的中心环节,要求围绕这一中心进行必要的制度重构。司法独立和对司法的监督不存在根本性的对立,两者的出发点都是要实现司法程序和实体的公正,在坚持司法独立的前提下完善对司法的监督是处理好两者关系必须遵循的原则。 Independence of the judiciary on the impact of public? Department of Law Park Su Yan Yuan Instructor Hu Zhi Xin Abstract? An independent judiciary is an inherent requirement of the rule of law, to ensure the fair administration of justice, justice, maintain social order and efficiency to meet the needs of members of the community has an important significance.Judicial independence is a central part of judicial reform, requiring around the center of the necessary institutional reconstruction.?Judicial independence and judicial oversight does not exist on a fundamental opposition between the two starting points are to achieve justice, procedural and substantive fairness, independence of the judiciary in upholding the premise of improving the supervision of the judiciary is handling relations between the two must be followedprinciples.? Masses of people as the masters of socialist countries, the political, economic, cultural, important participants in the construction, so public opinion on the legal system with monitoring and facilitating role, is to promote the rule of law in an important force in China, but public opinion too much interference with the judicial, will lead to serious violation of judicial independence and hinder the development of the rule of law.? Keywords: judicial independence, judicial oversight, public opinion? 目 录 一、司法独立………………………………………………………………………2-3 二、公众对法制建设的必要性……………………………………………………3-4


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