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四川师范大学本科毕业论文 浅谈方言电视节目的现状与发展 学生姓名 院系名称 专业名称 班 级 学 号 指导老师 四川师范大学教务处 二0一二年十二月 浅谈方言电视节目的现状与发展 本科生: 指导老师: 内容摘要:随着电视节目的发展,方言电视节目已经被大多数观众所熟知,现在方言电视节目越来越流行。然而,随着方言电视节目进一步的推广,越来越多省份和城市的电视台,方言电视节目从最初的“物以稀为贵”到现在的遍地都是,许多方言的通俗化电视节目不再注意节目的内容,仅仅是借助方言的本身来吸引观众的眼睛,本文就针对方言电视节目的现状与发展进行了必要的研究。本文从方言电视节目的背景和发展的历史出发,论述了方言电视节目的含义、类型,及对方言节目的流行原因做了分析。基于这种情况,目前国内方言电视节目观众的接受情况和对普通话及方言的地位和价值是进行了调查,结合了方言电视节目的起源和发展现状,对如今方言电视节目的生存困境进行了一系列的分析,并提出方言电视节目可持续发展的思路。 关键词:方言电视节目 现状 发展 思路 TV programs on dialect present situation and the development Abstract:With the development of TV programs and dialect television programs have been known by most of the audience, now dialect television program more and more popular. However, as the dialect TV programs further promotion, more and more provinces and city television station, dialect TV programs from the initial content with rare for expensive to now all the land, many dialect popularization TV show no longer pay attention to the content of the program, only with the aid of dialect itself to attract the audiences eyes, this paper according to the current situation and development of dialect TV programs for the necessary research. This article from dialect TV programs based on the background and the development history, this paper discusses the dialect TV programs meaning, types, and the dialect program popular reason to do the analysis. Based on this kind of situation, the current domestic dialect TV audience to accept the situation and mandarin and dialect status and value is carried out investigation and analysis, this paper combines the dialect TV programs origin and current situation of the development of TV programs, now dialect survival predicament conducted a series of analysis, and put forward the dialect television program sustainable development train of thought. Keywords: dialect television program


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