高中英语选修7 unit1 living well-reading课件2(人教新课标)_精品.ppt

高中英语选修7 unit1 living well-reading课件2(人教新课标)_精品.ppt

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高中英语选修7 unit1 living well-reading课件2(人教新课标)_精品

Unit 1 Living well David from Aide * The “Family Village” is a _______. 1. To give young disabled people the chance to share their stories with others. 2. To inspire other disabled people. 3. To get non-disabled people to understand more about the challenging life the disabled people lead. website The purpose of the website: * Marty’s Story * Listen and answer: Q1: What’s wrong with Marty? Q2: How is his life now? He has a muscle disease. He has a good and busy life now . Main idea of each paragraph Marty’s a _____ to disabled people 3 Marty’s stories about his l___ 2 Marty’s unknown d______ 1 Main idea Para. Part 1 2-5 6 isease ife dvices * Careful-reading 1: Part 1 Q1: Is Marty different from others? Q2: What’s the name of his disease? (within 5 words) Q3: How can Marty do with it? Yes. It is an unknown disease. He has learned to adapt to his disability. “One in a million ” * Q1.Which sentence can be the same meaning of “one in a million” in the passage? --- Because there are not many people in the world like him. Reading tip: pay special attention to the transitional words and phrases. * unknown 1. “don’t know exactly what is wrong with me” 2. “don’t know how to make me well” 3. “can’t tell me whether I will…” * In what order does Marty tell his story? He tells his story in order of time. before 10: … at high school: … now: … then/after 10 : … Careful-reading (2): * Careful-reading (2): before 10 the same as… dreamed about hopeful then/after 10 get weaker a billion tests …difficult… what future will be like hopeless * Careful-reading (2): the worst thing look the same… kids laugh at me stupid * Detailed-reading (3): at high school a lot easier …accept… though a few… not get annoyed * Detailed-reading (4): now a very busy life have a good life things I can do… ambition good/busy * Further understanding (1): hopeful the change of Marty’s feelings: hopeless stupid not get annoyed good/busy “Live one day at a time.” ---Marty *


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