高级英语(第三版)第一册第一课 face to face with hurricane camille_精品.ppt

高级英语(第三版)第一册第一课 face to face with hurricane camille_精品.ppt

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高级英语(第三版)第一册第一课 face to face with hurricane camille_精品

Rake its way: metaphor, meaning to attack and devastate as it moved along. Rake: n. v.t 耙; 仔细寻找 It’s your turn to rake the garden. Rampage: v. rush about in a wild or violent way, causing damage and destruction. 横冲直撞 Rampaging floods: violent, raging floods. Hundreds of youths rampaged through the towns, smashing shop windows and overturning cars. 译: 我今天晚些时候把树叶扫起来。 警察们搜遍了小山坡但没有发现逃犯。 他试图用剑保护他的商店不受到横冲直撞的暴民的破坏。 犯人们横冲直撞,见什么砸什么。 I’ll rake the leaves up later today. The police raked the hillside but did not find the escaped prisoners. He used a sword to try to defend his shop from a rampaging mob. The prisoners went on the rampage destroying everything in their ways. Summary of the writing style Diction level: Concrete, specific words are used, esp. one-syllable verbs are used to quicken the speed of the action. Few adjectives and adverbs to quicken the rhythm Various shades of words are used to avoid repetition, e.g: disintegrate/ break apart/demolish/devastate Sentence level: Elliptical and short simple sentences (Para7—27). --Increase the tempo and speed of the actions being described. Hence in a dramatic narration they serve to heighten tension and help create a sense of danger and urgency. Textual level: Building up and sustaining the suspense by describing in detail and vividly the incidents with the sequence of happenings Discussion : (Ex. XIII) in class Problems in sentence writing 1) The run-on sentence 2) The sentence fragment 3) The dangling modifier 4) The illogical or faulty parallelism 5) The shift in point of view Run-on sentences A run-on sentence is two or more complete thoughts (or independent clauses) that are run together without adequate sign given to mark the break between them. Some run-on sentences have no punctuation at all to mark the break between the thoughts: I am going to school, if I dont get there on time, I will be late, my teacher will punish me, I will h


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