高中英语 unit4 wildlife protection课件 新人教版必修2_精品.ppt

高中英语 unit4 wildlife protection课件 新人教版必修2_精品.ppt

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高中英语 unit4 wildlife protection课件 新人教版必修2_精品

Warming up Reading Who? am? I ? 1.I live in China.?I’m black and white. I eat bamboo and move by walking. Giant panda * 2.I looks like a big cat .I have a yellow-brown coat with blank stripes.I live in south China. South China Tiger * Now watch the video and answer questions The tiger is killed for______. The rhino is killed for______. The elephant is killed for___. The last sentence said by Janky chen____. * Now watch the video and answer questions The tiger is killed for_____. The rhino is killed for_____. The elephont is killed for___. The last sentence said by Janky Chen is____________________ _______________________. bone horn ivory when the buying stops, the killing can too * Milu deer Tibetan antelopes elephant Golden Monkey Red-crowned Crane * What do you think of these animals They are cute ,rare ,precious. They are national treasure. But … What happened to them? They are dying out! * Why do we have to protect wild animals? 1.It is against the law to kill the wildlife . 2. To keep the balance of the ecosystems.We will not be able to survive if animals and plants die out. Protecting animals is protecting ourselves. 3.They are very valuable in science and medicine. 4. You are likely to suffer some diseases if eating wild animals. (bird flu, SARS, rabies(狂犬病), hepatitis(狂犬病), etc.) * Animals made the world around us so wonderful. So we should try our best to protect our animals ,protect their living environment. Let them live happily and play happily! * What can we do to help endangered animals? Protect their habitats and create new ones Set up nature reserves or natural protection area Protect the environment Limit hunting Stop buying clothes made of their furs Ask people to protect wildlife To collect money to help them Tell people aroud you the Importance of wildlife protection. * We have learned a lot about wildlife protection. Now think about How Daisy learned to help wildlife? What’s the passage a



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