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Unit One ? 1,It is commonly believed in the United States that school is where people go to get an education. Nevertheless, it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school. The difference between schooling and education implied by this remark is important 这是一个普遍的看法在美国,学校是人们受教育的地方。然而,也有一种说法,认为今天的孩子在学校中断了他们的教育。区别上学与受教育暗含在这种观点里是很重要的 Education is much more openended and allinclusive than schooling. Education knows not limits. It can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or on the job, whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of information learning. The agent (doer) of education can vary from respected grandparent to the people arguing about politics on the radio, from a child to a famous scientist. Whereas schooling has a certain predictability (可预料性), education quite often produces surprises. A chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions (宗教). People receive education from infancy (婴幼儿) on. Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term. It is a lifelong process (过程), a process that starts long before the start of school, and one that should be a necessary part of ones entire life. 教育是openended和allinclusive多比的教育。教育不知道的极限。它可以发生在任何地方,无论是在淋浴时或是工作时,无论是在厨房或是在拖拉机上。它既包括所受的正规教育,在学校和整个宇宙的信息的学习。代理人(出来)的教育可以改变人们从德高望重争论政治广播,从孩童到著名的科学家。尽管学校教育有一定的可预性(可预料性),而教育往往能带来意外的发现。与陌生人的一次随意谈话可能会使人认识到自己对其宗教所知甚少(宗教)。人们接受教育从婴儿(婴幼儿)。因此,教育是一个内涵很丰富的词。其是一个终生的学习(过程),一个过程的开始,长在进入学校之前就开始的,应该是一个必要的一部分人的一生。 Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern varies little from one setting to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at about the same time, take the assigned (指定的) seats, are taught by an adult, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on. The pieces of reality that are to learned, whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the worki



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