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2016年八年级下册期末作文总复习(一)5月20日是“全国学生营养日”。针对学生的健康状况,在这一天,厦门市某中的同学们在学校进行了问卷调查,其调查结果令人堪忧。假若你是Guo Jia, Tang Jie和LiuHong的好朋友。请根据表格内容给他们出现的问题提出一些建议,写一篇80词左右的英语短文。ProblemShouldShouldn’tGuo Jia虚弱,疲劳早点休息看太多的电视Tang Jie紧张、烦躁听些音乐,多吃些健康食品学习到很晚LiuHong肥胖多参加运动吃太多的肉和垃圾食品Guo Jia says she is very weak and tired. She should go to bed early. She shouldn’t watch too much TV in the evening. Tang Jia says he is stressed out and angry. He should listen to some music, and eat more healthy food like fruit and vegetables. He shouldn’t study late. It’s bad for his health. Liu Hong looks heavy. She may have bad eating habits. She should take more exercise and eat less meat and junk food. And I hope they get better soon.(二) 请根据以下信息,写一篇80词左右的短文。昨天上午你和你的朋友们在雨中踢足球。今天早上你觉得不舒服,头疼、发烧、喉咙痛。你去看病,医生说你得了重感冒,告诉你要多喝水,并躺下休息一段时间,还给了你一些药。回家后,你吃了药,感觉好多了。I had a good time yesterday afternoon. I played football with my friends in the rain. It’s really exciting. But I didn’t feel well this morning. I had a headache and a fever, and I also had a sore throat. So I had to see the doctor. He said I had a bad cold. He asked me to drink more water, and should lie down and rest for a while. Ha gave me some medicine, too. I’m feeling better now after I took the medicine. (三)今年我市深入开展了“学习雷锋精神,共创文明城区”的活动。在3月5日学雷锋纪念日这天,你校组织志愿者去敬老院开展“学雷锋,送温暖”活动,假如你是学生张华,请你将活动介绍给美国朋友Ben,与他分享你的美好经历不少于80词。提示如下:活动时间:3月5日 活动地点:敬老院 参加人员:学校志愿者活动形式:送去鲜花和水果;帮助打扫卫生;陪老人聊天、唱歌、跳舞等。活动感受:关爱、尊重老人(respect)Dear Ben,Thank you for your last e-mail. Let me tell you what we did on 5th March in our school.We, the volunteers went to the old people’s home and did many things there. When the old people saw us, they were very happy. We gave them lots of flowers and fruit. We did cleaning for them. After that we talked with them happily. Some of us sang great songs for them. And others danced. They told us old stories. All of us had a good time there.I felt happy that I cared for the old people and showed our respect for them. If I have another chance to go there, I wi


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