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餐饮英语 PART 1 为客人服务 UNIT1 电话订位 1.电话用语 1)The Rose Restaurant.May I help you? 2) ...............................This is Paul.How may i help you? 2.询问是否是某餐厅 Is this the Japanese Restaurant? Hello,Is this the ABC Restaurant? 3.告知是餐厅 Yes,it is.May I help you,sir? 4.询问店内是否提供餐点 1) What kind of food do you serve? 2) I’d like some information about your meal.What kind of food do you serve? 3) Do you have a children’s menu (portions)? 4) Do you have (any) vegetarian dishes? 5.告知店内餐点 1) We serve a great variety of popular Japanese dishes in set courses and we serve many meat dishes. 2) We serve many grilled meat,prawn and vegetable dishes which are prepared in front of the guest . 3) Yes,we do.We have a different menu for our vegetarian quests. 6. 询问价位 1) What is the price range for the set menu? 2) What price do your set courses start at? 3) How much is your dinner set? 4) Do you have a cover charge? 7. 告知价位 1) From NT 600 per person,sir. 2) We have set courses from NT360. 8. 询问是否有收服务费 1) Do you have a service charge? 9.询问营业时间 1) How early do you open for lunch? 2) When does the restaurant open for breakfast? 3) What are the restaurant’s hours? 4) What are your dinner hours? 10.告知营业时间 1) We open at 11:30 for lunch,Ms. 2) The restaurant opens at 11a.m. 3) The restaurant is open for breakfast from 6a.m. until 10a.m. 4) The restaurant’s hours are from 11a.m. until 10 p.m. 11.询问营业到几点 Until what time are you open? 12.告知营业到几点 We are open until 10 but our last order for dinner is at 9:30p.m. 13.询问打烊时间 1) When does the restaurant close? 2) When do you close? 14.告知打烊时间 The restaurant closes at 10 p.m. 15.告知最后点餐时间 1) Our last order is at 9p.m.Could you arrive a little earlier than that,please? 2) Our last order is at 10p.m.Could you come before that as to enjoy a leisurely meal? 16.客人订位 1) I want a table for 6:30 this evening. 2) I’d like to reserve a table. 17.确认预约名单 Just a moment,sir.I’ll check our reservetion list. 18.接受订位 1) I have reserved a table for


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