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Global Powers of Luxury Goods 2017 The new luxury consumer;;;2;3;Mature market;Global Powers of Luxury Goods 2017;Luxury is a genuinely global market; this poses a challenge for both the luxury brands and luxury shoppers, particularly those who travel extensively. Prices, stock levels and ranges differ from market to market and between cities, making it difficult to optimise pricing strategies. Global Powers of Luxury Goods 2017;10% 3% are premium quality products;8;VIPs;10;China/Hong Kong Both mainland China and Hong Kong continue to experience a slowdown in luxury goods spending, with economic uncertainty dampening consumer confidence. The Hong Kong market is still affected by the strained relations with the mainland, with many wealthy Chinese tourists staying away and choosing to travel to other Asian cities for their shopping. In mainland China, the slowing economy has resulted in lower spending, and the central government’s crackdown on luxury gifts in the corporate sector continues to have an impact. Nevertheless demand remains steady among the country’s expanding middle class, with their increasing disposable incomes, as they continue to buy better quality products and showcase their social status. In addition, as in other emerging markets, prices of luxury goods in China are being adjusted downwards to bring them in line with global markets. This is encouraging more Chinese consumers to purchase luxury brands in their domestic market.;confidence is rising, and the sector is likely to continue its moderate rate of growth. Although the global economic downturn and local political instability have affected several industries in South Korea, luxury goods have prospered, with consumers showing increasingly sophisticated tastes. And as the market matures further, we are likely to see healthy growth in the coming year. The country continued to benefit from an inflow of Chinese tourists, who have shifted their purchasing preferences towards higher value products su


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