An Introduction of business translat商务英语翻译入门.ppt

An Introduction of business translat商务英语翻译入门.ppt

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An Introduction of business translat商务英语翻译入门

希望是小鸟 希望是鸟儿, 在人们心灵栖居, 唱着无词的歌儿, 永无止息。 心灵是甜蜜的避风港 只有猛烈的风暴, 才能威胁希望, 这慰藉心灵的小鸟。 它歌唱在最寒冷的地方 最陌生的海洋 纵然身处绝境, 也不索取分毫。 Translation of Scientific and Technical Literature If you eat a skimpy breakfast or none at all, youre likely to experience mid-morning fatigue, the result of a drop in blood sugar, which your body and brain depend on for energy. For peak energy in the morning, be sure to eat a proper breakfast, low in sugar and fairly high in protein, which will provide a steady supply of blood sugar through the morning. 如果你只吃少许的早餐或者根本不吃早餐的话,你在上午的中段时间里就很可能感到疲劳。其结果是,你的身体和大脑所依赖的能量--血糖就会降低。为在上午时间获取最大能量,你应该进一些合适的早餐,如含糖量低、蛋白质高的食物,这样的早餐将给你整个上午以稳定的血糖供应。 如果你早餐吃得简单或根本不吃早餐,上午过了一半时间后你就会感到疲劳,这是血糖下降的结果。你的身体和大脑依赖血糖获取能量。为了能在上午保持充沛的精力,一定要吃合适的早餐,含糖量要低但蛋白质要高,这样才能保证整个上午有稳定的血糖供应。 Translation of Scientific and Technical Literature 我给你开些止痛的草药,你也可以做针灸。此外,不要吃过热或过冷的食物,也不要吃诸如酸的或辛辣的食物。不要做激烈的运动,多放松,注意休息。 I’ll give you some herbal medicine to relieve your pain, and you can also have acupuncture if you like. Apart from that, don’t eat anything very hot or very cold, and keep off stimulating foods, such as sour or spicy food. Don’t take too much exercise, just try to relax and enjoy life. Translation of Scientific and Technical Literature 大多数2型糖尿病病人肥胖,所以饮食疗法的主要目的是减肥。限制热量摄人的饮食可明显改善高血糖症。 译文(1):The majority of type two diabetic patients are obese.The main goal of diet therapy is therefore to lose weight.A diet restricted in calories usually improves the patient’s hyperglycemia greatly. 译文(2):The majority of type two diabetic patients are obese.The main goal of diet therapy is therefore weight loss.A diet restricted in calories usually results in a great improvement of the patient’s hyperglycemia. Translation of Scientific and Technical Literature 分析:译文(1)的动词lose weight和improve在译文(2)中分别被名词weight loss和improvement取代。转化的名词常与某些动词、介词、冠词、形容词等进行习惯搭配,能否熟练运用这种转化和习惯搭配,常常成为医学文献汉译英是否地道的重要因素。就正确与否而言,译文(1)、(2)都正确,从得体的角度来看,译文(2)更好。 Translation of Business Letters Part I Translate the following letter into English


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