S1B Unit 2 Travelling Around the World 外文资料.doc

S1B Unit 2 Travelling Around the World 外文资料.doc

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上海版新世纪英语 高一第二学期 U2 学习辅导材料 (2016.03) Words Study New Words locate /l?(?)ke?t/ vi. 定位;找出……的位置The scientists want to locate the position of the gene on a chromosome. 科学家们想找到该基因在染色体上的位置。They?hoped to?locate?in?Chicago.?? 他们希望在芝加哥定居。 expectation /ekspekte??(?)n/ n. 期望;期待’ expectation. 努力到达你父母的期望吧。 approach /?pr??t?/ vt. 走近;靠近 n. 方法;手段 He didnt approach the front door at once.他没有立即走近前门。 We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information. 我们将探索收集信息的不同方法。 感觉无与伦比:there’s no feeling like 参加一个专门的课程:take a special class 换上…(衣服):change into … 接收来自于导游的提示:receive instructions from guide 恐高:be afraid of heights 向上通向:lead up to 很快地过去,飞逝:speed by 映入眼帘:come into view 鸟瞰整个城市:have a bird’s-eye views of the city 为…感到自豪feel proud of/take pride in/pride oneself on 向四面八方眼神:extend in all directions 乐于做某事:be ready to do sth 立刻,一会儿:in an instant 海内外的游客:tourists at home and abroad 毫无疑问:without doubt 无法用语言形容:beyond words 发起一场广告宣传运动:launch an advertising campaign 得到微笑致意:be greeted with a smile 在…上排名很高:rank high on the list of … 被非常重视、欣赏:be very appreciated by 提出问题:raise a question 与…有关:have something to do with 指出:point out 准备:prepare for sth 个人财产:personal belongings 高出,超过:tower over 满足于做某事:be content to do sth 实现某人的梦想:fulfill one’s dream 出发向顶部:set out towards the top Proper Nouns Sydney 悉尼(澳大利亚最大的城市) Sydney Harbor Bridge 悉尼海港大桥 Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院 Vancouver 温哥华岛 Butchart 布查特花园Victoria 维多利亚不列颠哥伦比亚省省府 the Rocky Mountains 洛基山脉 Bali 巴厘岛(印度尼西亚) Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Bangkok 曼谷 Grammar 动名词的完成时态形式 一. 例句: 读下列句子,注意每句句子中的加粗斜体部分 是动名词的完成时态形式。 1. Everyone felt proud of having reached this spot in the city. 每个人都为到过城市中的这个景点感到骄傲。 2. But the memory of having seen such a unique scene will stay with us for a lifetime. 但是看过如此独特景观的记忆将终身伴随着我们。 3. Michelangero will always be remembered for having completed such a great number of wonderful sculptures and paintings. 米开朗基罗将因为完成了如此大量的精美雕塑和绘画永远被人们记住。 4. The boy was afraid of being punished for having failed i


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