Module 2 Company benefits and incentives 教学课件.ppt

Module 2 Company benefits and incentives 教学课件.ppt

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Module 2 Company benefits and incentives ---By Zhou Qi Outline Case study Terms about benefits and incentives the movie clip What is important for a company except capital nowadays ? Review Company benefits and incentives HOW TO New Tasks Jason ---the best manager in your company (GZ). But his GF is in BJ. He’s planning to leave your company because he’s going to get married and have a baby in BJ. Case study Think of as many ways as you can offer to keep Jason from leaving. (2 min) Compensations Benefits Transportation/conveyance allowances Communication allowance 13-month pay Tuition reimbursement Stock option Discount/voucher Cash Rewards Basic salary/wage Hourly rate Bonus Commission Overtime pay Meal Allowances Housing subsidies 社会保险:Social Insurance 社保基金:Social Insurance Funds 养老保险:Pension Insurance或Endowment Insurance 工伤保险:Occupational Injury Insurance 医疗保险:Medical Insurance或Health Care Insurance 住院医疗保险:Hospitalization Medical Insurance 生育保险:Maternity Insurance或Birth Insurance 失业保险:Unemployment Insurance 住房公积金:Housing Provident Funds 住房抵押贷款:Housing Mortgage Loan Insurances Pension Housing fund Relocation assistance Childcare benefits Paid leave/holidays Annual leave Parental leave Company car Coffee/tea break Leisure activities Non-Cash Rewards 社会保险:Social Insurance 社保基金:Social Insurance Funds 养老保险:Pension Insurance或Endowment Insurance 工伤保险:Occupational Injury Insurance 医疗保险:Medical Insurance或Health Care Insurance 住院医疗保险:Hospitalization Medical Insurance 生育保险:Maternity Insurance或Birth Insurance 失业保险:Unemployment Insurance 住房公积金:Housing Provident Funds 住房抵押贷款:Housing Mortgage loan Compensations Benefits Benefits: The advantages offered by an employer, insurance company or the government Incentives: Things that encourage people to do something (bonus for example). Benefits and incentives Jason ---the best manager in your company (GZ). But his GF is in BJ. He’s


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