冀教版七年级英语下册unit 1《lesson 1 a trip to china》课件.ppt

冀教版七年级英语下册unit 1《lesson 1 a trip to china》课件.ppt

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We are learning about the Silk Road this mouth .(1) learning about 意为学习了解。 We are learning about the history of Canada.我想了解中国的历史。 (2)learning… from…向…学习,从…中获得…知识。We must learn from each other. (3)learn to do sth.学习做某事learn to swim (4) the Silk Road the,此处用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前,the Great Wall .the Summer Palace. My school is planning a trip around China with Li Ming’s school.我们学校正在计划一次和李明的学校一起周游中国的旅行。 Trip 可做可数名词,“旅行旅程”,通常指短途旅行,常回到原出发点,不强调旅行的方式和目的。 We’ll make a trip to the seaside.我们要去海边旅行。 Travel名词,泛指旅行的过程。指具体的旅行时,常用复数形式,尤其指出国旅行,一般不表示直接去某地。 Do you plan to go to Paris during your travels?你打算旅行期间去巴黎吗? travel还可以做动词,意为旅行,游历。常与to或in连用。 They will travel to China next week. (2)Around 作为介词遍及,全,后跟表示地点的名词,around China 中国各地相当于 all over China. People around the word love peace全世界的人们都热爱和平 92 0 四,Who will lead the trip?(1)这是一个一般将来时态的句子。Will做助动词,意为将;要;会,用于一般将来时中,其后接动词原形。 He will walk to school tomorrow. (2)lead 用作及物动词,“带路,指路”过去式led 名词形式leader,领导者领先者五,This is a good chance for you. Chance 用作可数名词“机会运气。” have a chance to do sth.= have a chance of doing sth.意为有机会做某事。by chance 偶然的。This is a good chance to learn from workers. I will send Li Ming an e-mail and tell him the good news. (1)send 及物动词,意为寄出,送,过去式sent。常用短语:send sth. from sp.意为从某地寄某物。send sb sth =send sth. to sb.把某物寄给某人My friend often sends me books from Beijing.send后接的表示人的宾语sb.叫间接宾语表物的宾语sth.叫直接宾语。当直接宾语sth.是代词(it.them)时,只能用send sth.to sb.Don’t forget to send me it.(错误)Don’t forget to send it to me.(正确)。 Lesson 1 A trip to China Think about it! How are you? Did you have a good holiday? Where did you go during the Spring festival? Where do you want to go? I want to go on a trip to … catch the answers: 1. Where does Jenny want to go? 2. Who will lead the trip? To China. Ms.Martin A: May I/we …? B: Yes, you may./Yes, please./Yes, of course. /Sure. /No, you may not. /No, you may not. /No, you can’t./No, please don’t. / No, you mustn’t./No, you’d better not.


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