【2018年春季课程外研版高三英语】第5讲_教案 .doc

【2018年春季课程外研版高三英语】第5讲_教案 .doc

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2018年外研版高三英语春季课程 第5讲:高三二轮复习--阅读理解的解题技巧及训练(1)+句子和句子结构的复习(1)(120分钟) 一、课程介绍 知识点 1.归纳讲解阅读理解的解题技巧(1)主旨大意题 2.重点语法: 句子及句子结构的复习(1)--句子及其成分 教学重点 1.掌握并运用好阅读理解的解题技巧 2.正确分析理解句子 教学难点 如何做好主旨大意题 二、要点回顾 1.I can still remember the sitting room my mother and I used to sit in the evening. 2.The problem is     we don’t have enough money. 3.1’ll never forget the place I visited ten years ago. 4. we all know,oil and water don’t mix up. 5.All is needed is a Supply of oil. 6.I didn’t know or not he had arrived in Wuhan. 7. they are most interested in is they can produce more and better cars. 【答案】 1.where 2.that 3.which/that 4.As 5.that 6.whether 7.what/that 三、知识精要 1.阅读理解的解题技巧(一)主旨大意题 考纲解读: (1)理解主旨和要义:任何一篇文章都会有一个主旨要义。有时从文章的第一个段落,甚至第一个句子即可得出文章的主旨要义,从这一段或这个句子读者会知道文章描述的是谁或什么(即文章的主题),亦会了解作者希望读者了解主题方面的哪些内容。有时,文章的主旨要义则需从文章的字里行间进行推断。这类试题主要考査考生略读文章、领会大意的能力,它对考生的归纳、概括能力有一定的要求。 1.主旨大意题命题形式: The passage is mainly about _______. What is the passage/text mainly about? What is the main idea of this passage/ the story? The main idea of the passage is that______. In the passage, the writer intends to tell us that_____ The passage is mainly concerned with______. What is the main idea the author aims to express in the text? The text mainly deals with ______. What message can we get from the text? Which of the following is the author’s main argument? What is the subject discussed in the text? The passage mainly focuses on ______. What is the general idea of the text? What does the author mainly want to say? The passage mainly tells the reader_____. When is the main subject discussed in the text? What does the text mainly describe? What is the best title for the passage? 2.题型标志: mainly, main idea/subject, mainly about,the best title, the title等 3.如何解决主旨大意题:主要看首段、首句;其次看每段的首句、尾句;最后要看最后一段。同时要注意句子结构的分析。 2.语法 句子和句子结构(一)句子及其成分 做好一篇文章不仅仅需要我们对于词汇的掌握,而且要求学生准确分析句子及其结构,这样才能尽量减少词汇对于做题的影响,从而做到事半功倍。 考点聚焦 句子及句子结构 句子:我们在英语学习中每天


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