人教必修二 unit4 Wildlife Protection(共46张PPT).pptx

人教必修二 unit4 Wildlife Protection(共46张PPT).pptx

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人教必修二 unit4 Wildlife Protection(共46张PPT)

;We call them _______.;Who am I ?;Who?am?I?;Who?am?I ?;I live in lakes and rivers. I eat fish and birds. I have four legs and a long tail. I have lots of pretty teeth. ;I live in the ocean (海洋). I?can go?in?the?deep water. I?have?a?hole?on?top?of?my head. I?have the largest size in the world. ;I live in the forest. I eat other small animals. I am called “King of all the beasts”. ;Let’s watch a video (Please try to find out why they are dying out from the video);Food Shortage;water pollution ;destruction of habitat; ;People killed the endangered animals simply to satisfy their desire to eat.;People kill animals for their fur, which can be made into beautiful and expensive fur coat. ;Giant panda;Milu deer;South China tiger; What other endangered animals do you know of?;白鳍豚;在野生状态下只有20只。随着40年代巴利虎和70年代里海虎的灭绝,人们预计,这一物种在不久的将来也将在地球上消失。 ;目前全世界范围内12种最濒危动物中唯一数目成增长趋势的动物。需经历11-35年成长期。 ; So, if we continue ignore all these factors, these endangered animals may die out. They do need help. This is called;Reading ;Whats the writing type of this passage? Who is the character of the story? How did she travel? Which places did she travel to? What animals did she visit? ;Paragraph 1;1. Antelope in Tibet become endangered because:_______. A. they are killed by other animals for food. B. The environment is badly polluted. C. People kill them to use their fur. D. their food chain(食物链) is cut off. ;2. The farmers hunted the Zimbabwe elephants without mercy because______. A. they wanted to sell the elephants for money B. their families were attacked with no compensations received . C. the number of elephants was so large that they eat too much food. D. Their farm were destroyed but they didn’t get any money from tourists.;3. It can be learned from the text that______. A. the Zimbabwe government did a good job in saving the elephants . B. the rainforest produces drugs that are good for millipede insects C. the farmers also got some money from tourists after th



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