高一英语《Amazing people》课件6.ppt

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* 单元盘点 词语串串练 Tom was an ①_________.He was ② ___________and ③ ____________ about everything.He was fond of going to various places to explore,people liked to communicate with him. explorer outgoing optimistic One day,he ④ _____________ a man at the seaside,who told him a ⑤ ____________ story in the native place.There were a cave on an lonely island,where all kinds of jewels were ⑥ __________.Many people went there to make a ⑦ __________ but none could return alive. came across widespread preserved fortune Tom was ⑧ __________ about it.He had a strong ⑨ __________ to discover the riddle.But the local government ⑩ ____________ anyone from going there alone.They were forming an ? ____________ ,which any person could apply to join in.Tom applied and was made ? __________. curious desire discouraged organization captain Fifteen days after they ? __________ ,they got to the island.He ordered some of his companionsto wait at the ? __________ for their ? __________ and led the others into the cave. ? __________ after they entered the cave,they discovered the reason for people’s ? __________.In the cave ,there was a ? __________,and inside the tomb, set sail entrance signal Shortly death tomb there indeed existed all kinds of rare treasures. But each man wanted to own them himself,so they fought with each other. It was their greed resulted in their death. 汤姆是个探险家,他性格外向而且对任何事情都很乐观。他喜欢去各种不同的地方去探险,人们也喜欢和他交往。 一天他在海边遇见一个人,那人给他讲了一个在当地广为流传的故事。在一个孤岛上有个山洞,洞里藏着各种各样的珠宝首饰,许多人都去那儿发财,但没有一个生还的。 汤姆对此很好奇,他非常想解开这个谜。但当地政府不允许任何人独自去那儿。他们正在成立一个组织,任何人都可以申请参加,汤姆申请了并且被任命为船长。 启航后15天,他们到达了那个岛。他命令他的几个同伴在洞口等信号,进洞后不久,他们就发现了人们死亡的原因。在山洞里有个墓,墓里的确有各种各样的稀有珍宝,但每个人都想独占这些财宝,因此他们相互残杀,是贪婪使他们命丧于此。 高考对对碰 链接一 come across(偶然)遇见,发现 (教材P42)There, they came across the tomb of King Tutankhamun. 在那里,他们意外地发现了图坦卡蒙国王的陵墓。 [高考例证] (2011·高考天津卷)She ________ an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store. A.turned down   B.dealt with C.took after D.came across 选D。考查动词短语辨析。句


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