高一英语《Astronomy the science of the stars》课件3.ppt

高一英语《Astronomy the science of the stars》课件3.ppt

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I. Complete the following sentences with proper words. 1. It’s said that her latest novel is quite u______ her earlier work. 2. The idea e_______ only in the minds of poets. 3. _______ (氧气) is one of the basic elements of substance. 4. There are many _________ (学说) about the origin of life. nlike xists Oxygen theories * 必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars Language points Objective To learn to use the words and expressions: in time as well as lay eggs depend on give birth to in one’s turn, prevent … from 1. They were in time to produce carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water vapour and other gases. 最终产生了二氧化碳、氮气、水蒸气和其他多种气体。 They were followed in time by land animals. 随后,陆地上出现了动物。 in time after a period of time when a situation has changed 经过一段时间后,最后,终于 in time (for sth./to do sth.) not late; with enough time to be able to do sth. 来得及,及时 Will we be in time for the six oclock train? 我们来得及赶上六点钟的那趟火车吗? The ambulance got there just in time. 救护车正好及时赶到那里。 They learned to accept their stepmother in time. 过了一段时间他们便学会了接受他们的继母。 1. Brian usually gets home in time to bath the children. 布莱恩通常会及时赶回家给孩子们洗澡。 2. He wants to see changes in the company and I am sure he will, in time. 他想看到公司的变化,我确定他总会看到的。 2. Others, called amphibians, were able to live on land as well as in the water. 另外一些叫两栖动物,他们既能在陆上生活,也能在水里生存。 as well as in addition to sb./sth.; too 除……之外,也,还 They sell books as well as newspapers. 他们既卖报也卖书。 1. 不但是我,他对这件事也有责任。 He?as?well?as?I?is responsible?for?the thing.?? 2. 老人同儿童一样喜欢这部电影。 The?old?people?as?well?as?the?children? like?this?film.?? 3. They produced young generally by laying eggs. 它们一般是通过孵蛋而繁衍后代的。 lay v. 1) to put sb./sth. in a particular position, especially when it is done gently or carefully (小心地)放置,搁 lay - laid - laid - laying The hens are not laying well. 母鸡现在不爱下蛋。 She laid the baby down gently on the bed. 她把婴儿轻轻地放在床上。 2) (a bird, an insect, a fish, etc) produce e


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