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ChangPing No. 1 High School What do you know about Christmas? 1. Time 2. Activities: How do people celebrate it? 3. Why do people celebrate it? 4. Nature (本质): What does Christmas mean for people? 个人觉得学生肯定能说出一些 您可以让学生自己小组为单位,每人说一句关于圣诞节的话,直到您喊停。也可以播放着圣诞音乐,等音乐一停,学生停止,然后老师叫学生说出已知。 下面关于圣诞节知识的幻灯片,您酌情应用。 Lesson 4 Christmas 昌平一中 蔡青 Father Christmas Santa Claus Christmas stocking balloon Christmas tree Christmas bell Christmas light Christmas present Christmas cake Christmas pudding roast turkey wine turkey breast Sing Christmas carol (唱圣诞颂歌) Answer the multiple-choice questions(您和许老师的问题似乎一样啊!) 1.Who do you think reads the children’s letters?(似乎太关注细节了,学生第一遍读,最好能问些粗读就能找到的。例如,For author, when did Christmas begin?) A. Father Christmas B. their parents C. nobody 2.What do you think people do in a carol service?(这个问题是在考学生对单词carol背诵,如果知道词义,并不能考察阅读能力。) A. Sing songs B. give presents C. watch a play 3.What happened on Christmas Eve?(这个根据以前的常识也可以知道,这个题只能是在考学生的认字能力。) A. The writer stayed awake all night B. Someone put presents in his stocking C. The writer saw father Christmas 4.What did they laugh? a)The Christmas carols were happy songs b)The songs and hats were funny c)The jokes and hats were funny 5.After lunch a)The adults watched the Queen’s speech b)The children made a snowman c)Everybody had more to eat 上面的问题能否改成问学生: What do you want to know about “memories of Christmas”? 学生四人一组先说说,一人问一个问题,教师请学生说出问题,并在黑板上梳理这些问题。根据学生的问题,进行速读训练。 速读后进入细节学习 细节学习时,同样可以让学生先读,然后问问题,如果他们问不出来,您再问。组织学生之间进行问答。您需要准备问题的语言表达。例如: What does it mean by “生词”? What’s the meaning of “生词”? How do we understand “句子”? Why did the author say “某句话”? 下面的几个幻灯片,我给删除了,因为问题答案太多,学生可能抓不住重点,很难起到有效促进学生理解的作用。 因此,这里建议根据学生的问题逐步展开阅读理解。 最后,您可以问问学生what have you learned from the text? 引导他们关注文章的写作顺序、结构等问题。 LOREM IPSUM DOLOR 后面的部分还是蛮好的,能够帮助学生深入理解文本! How do people VIEW Christmas? Christmas is of great significance. “In our opinion, Christmas is perfect time to…” “I don’t think so. For adults, Christmas is …



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