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I. Complete the following sentences with proper words. 1. I saw a little boy c____ a stone into the river just now. 2. The issue is not quite _______________ (简单的) as it seems. 3. Do you think anyone would o______ if I smoke here? 4. The man always manages to o________ what he wants. ast straightforward bject btain 5. Tell me the _______ (确切的) time when the next train will arrive. 6. The man failed to see the ____________  (商业的) value of his discovery. 7. The scientist has made a major b____________ in this research. 8. The manager should u__________   full responsibility for the project. 9. By investing wisely he has already a___________ a fortune. exact commercial reakthrough ndertake ccumulated II. Complete the following sentences without changing their meanings. That I didn’t pass the driving test made me frustrated. My not passing the driving test made me  ____ ______. 2. When I was young, my parents didn’t allow me to go out alone at night. When I was young, my parents _______     me ______ going out alone at night. cast down forbade from 3. To my surprise, he didn’t agree to my plan. To my surprise, he _________ ___ my plan. 4. In our class there are five students in all       from America. In our class there are ___________ five students from America. 5. Why I am not for it can be easily answered. Why I am not ____ _______ ____ it can           be easily answered. in favour of objected to altogether The fact that _____________________ ________ (多莉看来是在正常地成长着) was very encouraging. Then came the disturbing news that ________________ __________ (多莉病重). 2. ____________________________________ (科学家们脑海里产生的问题) were: “Would this be a major difficulty for all cloned animals?” Dolly seemed to develop normally Dolly had become seriously ill The questi



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