高一英语《Cultural relics》课件2.ppt

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* Unit 1 Cultural relics Period 2 Grammar The gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it. It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the country’s best artists about ten years to make. In 2003 it was ready for the people of St Petersburg, when they celebrated the 300th birthday of their city. I. Warming up Look at the parts in red. Do you know what kind of clauses they are? 1. Look at the girl ________ is singing so beautifully. 2. Do you know the woman to ______ our teacher is talking? 3. Jim is the boy ______ hat is red. 4. He gave me a pen ___________ he bought last week. 5. Mary has read all the books _________ I lent her. who/that whom whose that/which that/which II. Revision Fill in the blanks with proper relative pronouns or adverbs. 6. Is it the reason _____ you were late? 7. October 1st is the date _____ China celebrates its National Day. 8. We walked in a garden _____ many trees and flowers had been planted. 9. This is the island _____ I lived for two years. 10. 2001-2005 are the years _____ I studied in the university. why when where where when Revision Revision What do Attributive Clauses do? 作用相当于形容词; 提供人或事物更详细的信息; 简化语言,避免使用两个简单句时重复的内容。 What do they look like? 由关系代词which/that或关系副词when, where, why等引导;也可以用介词+关系代词引导。 Where do they come in sentences? 在所修饰的先行词之后。 Compare the following pairs of sentences and find the differences between them. He is one of the students who has won a scholarship. Frederick William I, to whom the Amber Room belonged, decided not to keep it. She told me something that happened yesterday. She told me something untrue, which made me angry. III. Comparing 表意 形式 功能 非限制性定语从句 限制性定语从句 修饰先行词 修饰先行词或整个句子 无逗号与主句分开 有逗号与主句分开 使用时可以用that引导 使用时不能用that引导 与主句语意关系紧凑,定语从句不能删除 与主句语意关系松散,定语从句可以删除 Comparing Read the passage again and underline all the sentences with attributive clauses and the words or sentences they mod



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