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Ⅰ. 句型转换 1. You will benefit a lot if you eat more vegetables. Eating more vegetables will be of benefit to you. 2. The work is so boring and tiresome! I am fed up with the work. 3. I have faith in you, no matter what you have done before. I have faith in you whatever you have done before. 4. There is a shopping mall nearby. It is easy for you to buy some daily necessities. It is convenient for you to buy some daily necessities because of the shopping mall nearby. 5. I simply couldn’t persuade her to give up the job. I simply couldn’t argue/persuade her into giving up the job. 6. What have you been doing? What have you been up to ? Ⅱ. 单项填空 1. —Do you think it’s a good idea to make friends with your students? —______, I do. I think it’s a great idea. A. Really B. Obviously C. Actually D. Generally 【解析】选C。句意:——你认为和你的学生交朋友是个不错的主意吗?——实际上,我认为这是个不错的想法。actually实际上。 2. I am ______ with living with a man of this kind. A. eat up B. eaten up C. feed up D. fed up 【解析】选D。考查短语辨析。be fed up with意为“对……厌烦”。句意为“和这种人生活在一起我受够了”。 3. —When shall we meet again? —Make it any time that is ______ to you. A. convenient B. good C. suit D. match 【解析】选A。convenient表示对某人是方便的。match与suit本身就是及物动词, 不能直接放在be动词后。 4. —John, you look so unhappy. —Of course. My mother ______ for my poor grades all day. A. has scolded B. has been scolding C. scolded D. had scolded 【解析】选B。表示一段时间内一直在做某事, 用完成进行时, 这里强调妈妈责备了John一整天对他现在的心情影响, 所以用现在完成进行时。 5. Shirley joined a painting group last month but could not_____ , so she quitted. A. fit in B. suit C. accustom D. adapt 【解析】选A。fit in (with)表示融入(某个群体)。suit表示时间、颜色、气质等适合某人;C,D的用法为: accustom/adapt oneself to。 6. He was _____ for hiding drugs. A. charged B. taken C. arrested D. accused 【解析】选C。be charged with, be accused of表示“因……被指控”, ar


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