高一英语《My New Teachers》课件2.ppt

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I’ve always hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly when I speak English, but Mrs Li just smiles, so that you don’t feel completely stupid! 我总是不愿意犯错误或者在说英语时念错词。李老师只是笑笑,你就不会感到自己是个大笨蛋。 unless相当于if … not, 意为“要不是, 除非”,这句话也可以说成: We don’t dare to say a word if she doesn’t ask us to. appreciate的习惯用法 admit的用法 有时其后接带不定式的复合宾语,但其中的不定式通常应是 to be。如: She admitted him to be right. 她承认他是对的。 You must admit the task to be difficult. 你们得承认任务是艰巨的。 asleep为表语形容词。不能用在名词前作定语。类似的词还有: The fish is still alive. 鱼还活着。 * Module 2 My New Teachers energetic adj. 精力旺盛的 He seems an energetic person. His son is an energetic child. energy n. 精力;活力;能源 My first impression of Mrs Li was that she was nervous and shy. nervous adj. 紧张的,焦虑的 He was nervous before the plane trip. Are you nervous in the dark? nervous, restless, impatient, uneasy这些形容词均含“焦躁的、紧张的”之意。 nervous: 普通用词,常指内心的紧张心态或生来就容易激动的性格。 restless: 多指经常的、毫无目的行动或活动,也常指思想上的焦躁不安。 impatient: 指在心情或情绪上不能克制某种刺激或不适,或缺乏某种容忍与谅解而表现出焦急不安。 uneasy: 通常指因焦虑、疑惑或危险而产生的不安。 My first impression of Mrs Li was that she was nervous and shy. impression 在此处为可数名词,意为“印象”。one’s (first) impression of 某人对……的(最初)印象 leave / make an impression on 给某人留下深刻印象 patient adj. 有耐心的,能忍耐的 n. 病人 I think I am quite a patient person. The patient finally died from cancer. She avoids making you feel stupid! avoid vt. 避免,逃避 She tried to avoid answering my questions. The boy avoided punishment by running away. always强调 “一直是这样”。另外,be always doing 表示 “老是,老……”,多半表示责难,不满或表扬。 He is always complaining about something. He was always asking for money. He is always helping others. 2) so that 在此处引导表示结果的状语 从句, 意为“因此,这样……就”。 She is very careful, so that she seldom makes a mistake. Nothing more was heard from him so that we began to wonder if he was dead. 3)don’t feel completely stupid 并不觉得自己是个大笨蛋 don’t(否定词)和completely,all , both, every, everyone, everything 等表示全部概念的词一起连用,表示的是部分否定,而非全部否定。 All is not gold that glitters. =Not all that glitters


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