高一英语《Friends and Friendship》课件3.ppt

高一英语《Friends and Friendship》课件3.ppt

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* Read the following composition written by a student and discuss with your partner what a New Year’s resolution is. A new year’s resolution is ________. 1 that you make a promise to start to do something in the way of self-improvement at the beginning if a new year. Listen again complete the following chart with the information you have gotten. 3 Name New year’s resolution Tian Ye 1)to_____ some weight 2)to______ some money 3)to get a _________ in English 4) to __________ lose save high mark work harder Henry 1)to ____________ 2) to_______________ 3)to ________ smoking Jeff 1)to take a nice ________ to get more ___________ 2) Might go to a quiet _____ in Mexico to see the ____ again, or visit Jiuzhaigou in China. lose some weight save some money quit vacation relaxation beach sea 4. Listen for a third time and complete the following sentences with patterns about expressing hopes. 1)_______________ lose some weight,and I _____________ save some money 2) Well, ________________ a high mark in English. And I’m going to work harder. 3) Hmm. _______________________ ______________quitting smoking . I’m hoping to wish I could here’s hoping for I’ve been looking forward to 4) _________________________ treating myself to a really nice vacation to get more relaxation 5) ____________ see the sea again, So I might go to a quiet beach In Mexico, or visit Jiuzhaigou in China. I haven’t made up my Mind yet. I’ve often dreamed of I wish to Example A: Look! There comes a blind man. B: I think we should help him. A: How can we help him? B: It’s better for us to ask him where he want to go first. A: Yes, let’s go. Now you do it like this. 人物描写侧重于对人物的介绍。在介绍人物时,应注意以下几个方面: 1.人称:可以用第一人称或第三人称。 2.时态:常用一般现在时和一般过去时,具体情况要依据写作的要求来确定。描写人物的外貌、性格、兴趣等常用一般现在时,而描写人物的出生、教育背景、经历、事迹等常用一般过去时。 3.内容:一般遵循这样的原则:先介绍人物的出生年月、地点或家庭背景,再介绍人物的主要经历、事迹或成就,最后介绍人们对该人物的评价或你的个人感受。 [常用句式或短语] 背景:... was born in/into a poor/rich family, when ... was young, spent one’s childhood in...等。 外貌:beautiful,p


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