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[自我探究] pretend是及物动词,意为“假装”,其后的宾语可以接____________从句和______________。表示“假装正在……”时用____________________;表示“假装已经……”时用___________________。 that引导的 动词不定式 不定式的进行时 不定式的完成时 [语法一条线] 用动词的适当形式填空: When I passed by him,he pretended not to (1)__________(see) me,I also pretended I (2)________(not ,see) him,pretending to (3)_______________(phone). have seen had be phoning 解析:(1)在谓语之前发生,用不定式的完成时;(2)在主句谓语之前发生,用过去完成 时;(3)和谓语同时发生,用不定式的进行时 5The original Venice carnival came to an end about 200 years ago. 最初的威尼斯狂欢节在200年前就完结了。 [品味经典] ①The meeting came to an end at last. 会议终于结束了。 ②The world will come to an end when an icy winter seizes the earth. 一旦寒冷的冬天笼罩地球,世界末日就到来了。 [自我探究] come to an end为动词短语,意为“_____”。 [归纳拓展] bring...to an end结束 put an end to结束 end up结束(不及物) end up with以……结束 结束 ③He brought his lecture to an end around ten o’clock. 他在10点左右结束了他的演讲。 ④Let’s put an end to this quarrel. 我们结束这场争吵吧。 ⑤Our game always ends up in a quarrel. 我们总是在吵闹中结束比赛。 ⑥Love is as smile start,as kiss grow,and end up with tear. 爱,起于微笑,浓于亲吻,逝于泪水。 ⑦Chamberlain started with the aim of injuring others only to end up by ruining himself. 张伯伦以损人的目的开始,以害己的结果告终。 [牛刀小试] Susan’s birthday party was ________ success.We sang and danced until it came to ________ end at twelve. A.a;the         B.a;an C./;an D.the;the 解析:选B。考查冠词。第一空表示“一件成功的事”;第二空为固定短语come to an end“结束”。 6Hotels are fully booked and the narrow streets are crowded with wonderful costumes. 酒店已被预订一空,狭窄的街道上满眼都是华丽的盛装。 [品味经典] ①I’d like to book a table for 8 o’clock tonight. 我想订一张今晚八点的餐桌。 ②Please book a double room for me. 请给我订一个双人间。 ③I have booked two seats for the theatre on Saturday. 我预订了两张星期六的戏票。 [自我探究] book为及物动词,意为“________”, 宾语主要是“_______、______、________”等。 预订 房间 座位 票 [易混辨析] book,order (1)book用于订票、房间、座位等。 (2)order用于订货物、饭菜、衣服等。 [牛刀小试] 用book,order的适当形式填空 (1)The lecturer is ________ for every night of this week. (2)They are said to have________more grain from Canada. (3)Mary has ________ a flight from New York to London. booked ordered booked [单词团团转] 在这三个单词中选择一个词义合适的



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