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* Section Ⅰ Introduction Reading and Vocabulary——Warming Up Module 4 Carnival 自学导引新知初探 ?Step One:Words and Phrases Ⅰ.词汇知识 1.______________ (n.)  杂乱;混乱 2._______________ (vt.) 延长 3.______________ (vt.) 复兴;再兴起 4._____________ (adj.) 优美的;高雅的 confusion extend revive elegant 5._________ (n.) 魅力;魔力 6.______________ (n.) 记忆 7.________________ (vi.) 假装 8.________________ (vi.) 漫步;闲逛 9.calendar (n.)_______________ 10.dove (n.) 鸽子 magic memory pretend wander 日历;月历 Ⅱ.重点短语 1.___________an end  完结 2.dress ________装扮;打扮 3.__________ fun 玩得很愉快 4.on __________连续地 come to up have end 5.________ back to 追溯到(某个时候) 6._______ secret 秘密地 7.________memory of 为了纪念…… 8.pass ______传递 9.come _________脱落 date in in on off ?Step Two:Fast Reading Ⅰ.Read the text and answer the following questions. Carnival is very popular in western countries. People enjoy themselves in Carnival. To know more about Carnival, read the text and then find answers to the following questions. 1.Where does Carnival come from?What does it mean? 答案:________________________________ ______________________________________. Carnival comes from Europe, meaning “no more meat” 2.What’s your general impression of Carnival? 答案: _______________________________________________________________________________. Whenever you think of carnival, you may think of crowds, costumes, and confusion Ⅱ.Match the main idea with every paragraph. Paragraph 1 A:the meaning of carnival and how it was celebrated Paragraph 2 B:the law about wearing masks Paragraph 3 C:general impression of carnival Paragraph 4 D:how it is celebrated today in Venice and the feature of it Paragraph 5 E:carnival in Venice and the problem it caused Paragraph 6 F:the revival of the tradition of celebrating it 答案:1~6 CAEBFD Ⅲ.Scan the text and choose the best answers. 1.At the beginning, the festival carnival was held ________. A.to follow the tradition of Venice people B.to enjoy themselves at the end of the winter season C.to wear masks in orde



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