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7. _____, and I will get it done. A. More one minute B. With another minute C. In one more minute D. Another minute 【解析】选D。这个结构为n. + and/or/otherwise +句子。注意这个名词或者名词短语前不需加介词。A选项如改为 One more minute也是正确的。 8. —Do you know which country Jane is going? —No, but she is _____ to go to America. A. possible B. probable C. likely D. perhaps 【解析】选C。前面的三个选项均有 it is + possible/ probable/likely. . . 的结构,但是只有likely在人或者物作主语时可以直接使用。 * Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. This is the only flight(航班) to Finland this week. If youll miss it, you’ll have to wait until next Monday. 2. I have carried all my baggage(行李)with me, a suitcase. 3. This is a non-smoking(禁止吸烟的)area. If you do need to smoke, please go outside. 4. The dog outside his house was so fierce(凶狠的)that I didn’t dare to get close. 5. I speak Chinese with a Minnan accent(口音)— anyway, Minnan Hua is my first language. 6. It is foolish(愚蠢的) of him to lie to Mary. She has already known the truth. 7. There was something strange in his suitcase, so the police opened it to check the contents(容纳的东西). 8. We should stick to the timetable (时间表) or we will fall behind the schedule. Ⅱ. 根据中文意思补全句子 1. 阅读全文, 找出主旨。 Go through the passage and find out the main idea. 2. 警察叫他把车停靠在马路边。 The police asked him to pull over . 3. 如果结局在一开始就知道了, 观众就会失去兴趣。 If the ending is given away at the beginning, the audience will lose their interest. 4. 老师不相信他能靠自己算出这道题目。 The teacher didn’t believe he could work out the question on his own . 5. 希望你能卸下负担, 全力以赴。 I hope you can take off the burden and do your best. Ⅲ. 单项填空 1. You look unhappy! Let’s go to ______ cinema— that’ll take your mind off the problem for _____ while. A. the; the B. the; a C. a; the D. a; / 【解析】选B。go to the cinema是固定结构, 表示去看电影。for a while表示持续一段时间。 2. Children should not be encouraged to_____ the electronic dictionaries as it will make them lazier. A. insist on



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