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本 科 毕 业 论 文 ( 2012 届 ) 题 目 台州中小民营企业融资问题研究 学 院 经贸管理学院 专 业 财务管理 班 级 08财务管理(2)班 摘要:文关键词:Abstract:Since reform and opening, the private economy, from small to large, as the most dynamic growth, has become the foundation of our national economy and the socialist market economyTaizhou as the main birthplace of Chinas private economy, has gradually formed a Taizhou Model of economic development. Development of private economy in Taizhou plays a large role in expanding employment, maintaining social stability and other aspects. However, SMEs, especially small and medium private enterprises in Taizhou has been plagued by financing small and medium private enterprises, which restricts the development of enterprises. This text will make the analysis to current situation and its reason that the medium and small enterprise run by the local people of Taizhou finance, and propose some countermeasures in order to solve the financing difficulty of medium and small enterprise run by the local people of Taizhou, helping medium and small enterprise run by the local people of Taizhou to deal with the fund question appearing in the course of management better, promoting the sound development of medium and small enterprise run by the local people of Taizhou. Keywords: Taizhou; Small and Medium-sized Private Enterprises; Financing 目 录 一、引言 1 二、文献回顾 1 (一)企业融资基本理论 1 (二)中小企业融资理论 2 三、台州民营经济的发展 2 四、台州中小民营企业融资现状 4 (一)融资渠道单一 4 (二)融资结构不合理,融资成本高 5 (三)缺乏融资风险管理,融资风险高 6 五、台州中小民营企业融资问题的原因分析 6 (一)中小民营企业自身的问题 6 (二)金融机构方面的问题 6 (三)宏观政策对中小民营企业融资的影响 8 六、解决台州中小民营企业融资问题的对策 8 (一)企业自身加强建设 8 (二)金融机构提高其服务和管理能力 10 (三)政府在政策层面给予支持 11 七、总结 11 参考文献 13 谢 辞 14 台州中小民营企业融资问题研究 Taizhou Small Private Enterprise Financing Problem Research 经贸管理学院 财务管理 中小企业是吸纳就业、稳定经济的重要力量,但长期以来金融资源,中小企业特别是小企业的融资困难问题仍十分突出,成为制约其发展的瓶颈。紧缩背景下融资难成为一个普遍现象,民营企业的融资难主要是结构性融资难,企业融资更难中小企业融资难问题,是长期制约我国中小企业健康、快速发展的瓶颈。面对国际金融危机冲击和国内需求萎缩的内外环境融资难问题已成为制约中小企业发展的一个重要因素。占台州经济GDP总量90以上的中小企在发展过程中,,只



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