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本文由lw0012300贡献 doc文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。 毕业论文——《商城购物电子商务网站的设计与实现》 绍兴托普信息职业技术学院 摘 要 随着 Internet 技术的进一步成熟,电子商务成为现代商业发展的一个重要里程碑.电子商务是现代 商业发展的新模式.各行业的企业都将通过互联网紧密地连在一起,使得各种现实与虚拟的合作都成为 可能.一个供应链上的所有企业都可以成为一个协调的合作整体,企业的雇员也可以参与到供应商的业 务流程中.面对当前新形势的发展需要,我们选择开发了基于 Internet 的电子商务平台,无论是终端客户 在什么地方都可以随时随地进行事务处理,实现动态交互.整个系统运行于 Asp 和 Access 环境下,前台 运用界面设计,页面构架和色彩理论并结合使用 Dreamweaver,Firework,Flash 等可视化编辑软件对系 统进行设计制作,后台运用比较前端的数据库技术进行开发设计,使终端的用户能够在友好的交互环境 中进行商品交易和事务处理.在系统分析设计上,我们采用模块组合设计技术,考虑到整个系统在今后 可能被升级,因此特别设计了系统的兼容接口并保证系统有相当的扩展性能. 关键词: 关键词: ASP 系统开发 数据库 Dreamweaver Abstract With the Internet technology to mature, e-commerce to become a modern commercial development is an important milestone. E-commerce is a new model of modern business development. Companies of various industries will be closely linked through the Internet, making all kinds of reality and virtual cooperation would have been possible. A supply chain, all companies can become a coordinated and cooperative as a whole, corporate employees can also participate in the suppliers business processes. Faced with the current development needs of the new situation, we chose to develop Internet-based e-commerce platform,Whether the terminal where customers can conduct transactions anytime, anywhere to achieve dynamic interaction. The whole system runs on Asp and the Access environment, the front desk to use interface design, page architecture and color theory, combined with the use Dreamweaver, Firework, Flash and other visual editing software on the system design production, the background to use more front-end development and design of database technology , so that terminal users to interact in a friendly environment for the conduct of commodity trading and transaction processing. In the System Analysis and Design, we have a modular combination of design techniques, taking into account the entire system may be upgraded in the future, it is compatible with the system speciall


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