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S08E01 片头 神仙眷侣也会劳燕分飞,刚刚还耳鬓厮磨,转眼间,形同陌路。男女双方各有说法,你们的和们的。不过两种说法都有相同的起因,皆因两人坠入爱河。Even good marriages fail.One minute you’re standing on soild groung, The next minute you’re not.And there’s always two versions.Yours and theirs. Both versions start the same way, though both start with two people failing in love. 片尾 你够不够勇敢?你的婚姻触礁了,你能否力挽狂澜?当大地分崩离析时,你的世界也随之飘摇零落,也许你只是需要一点信心,还要坚信自己一定能挺过来,也许你只需咬牙坚持。不管怎么样,永远不要放弃。 Do you have what it takes? If your marriage is in trouble, can you weather the storm? W hen the ground gives way, and your world collapses, Maybe you just need to have faith, And trust that you can survive this together. Maybe you just need to hold on tight. And no matter what, Don’t let go. S08E02 片头 我母亲离开我父亲的时候,她没有提前知会他,也没有说把我也带走了,直到我们到了另一个地方才通知他。在当时,这叫家庭矛盾。如今,这就是赤裸裸的绑架。 When my mother left my father, she didn’t tell him she was leaving, and taking me with her, until we’d landed on the other side of the country. In those days, it was called family troubles. Today it’d be called kidnappin**尾 你以为只有真爱才会让你心动到心碎,你把全部生命都交给它,让它点亮你的人生或是毁掉你的未来。但是从此,你便成为了一个母亲。 You think that true love is the only thing that can crush your heart The thing that will take your life, and light it up or destroy it. Then you become a mother. S08E03 片头 我们工作着,学习着,准备着,月复一月,年复一年,只为了那一天,晋升的那一天。下台的那一天。 You work, you study, you prepare, months and years leading to one day, The day when you step up. The day when you step down. 片尾 有时,他发生在转瞬之间。我们晋升,我们成为领导,前途似锦。我们看到前路,便踏上旅程。即使全然不知,路,通向何方。 Sometimes it happens in an instant. We step up, we become a leader. We se a path forward. We see a path, and we take it. Even when we have no idea where we’re going. S08E04 片头 男性和女性大脑存在一些显著的差异,女性大脑拥有更大的海马区,因此,她们拥有更强的记忆力。男性大脑拥有更广阔的顶叶皮层,这有利于他们抵御攻击。面对挑战,男性大脑的反应和女性截然不同,女人们天生就擅长用语言交流,用各种细节交谈、各种移情。而男人们不太擅长。但这不意味着我们在感情方面有缺陷,我们也会倾诉我们的情感,只是绝大多数时候我们真的不愿说出来。 There are distinct differences between male and female brains. Female brains have a larger hippocampus, which usually makes them better at retention and memory. Male brains have a bi


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