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2009 global pv Cell and Module produCtion analysis SHYAM MeHtA | GtM ReSeARcH GtM ReSeARcH Note GTM RESEARCH MAY 2010 GTM RESEARCH MAY 2010 2009 PV PRoductioN: anotHer buMper year For ManuFaCturing Masks supplier turMoil This note discusses the results of GTM Research’s annual data collection process for global photovoltaic (PV) cell and module production in 2009. Overall, 2009 was the most challenging year for PV suppliers in recent memory, with severe initial oversupply (exacerbated by the evaporation of Spain as a market of any consequence and the loss of project financing) and drastic price drops. This consequently led to large losses, major layoffs, and the first wave of consolidation across the entire value chain. At the same time, 2009 was another record-breaking year for the global PV industry, with over 7 GW of modules installed, total module production of 8.95 GW, and cell production of 10.66 GW – a 51% increase over 2008 cell production of 7.05 GW (itself an 88% increase over 2007). As has been well-documented, the bulk of these modules ended up being deployed in Germany in the third and fourth quarters of 2009, with existing year-end digressions, the threat of more severe cuts, and module price declines (from $4.00 per watt in mid-2008 to $2.00 per watt by the end of 2009) all doing their part to drive an unprecedented installation volume of 1.3 GW in the last quarter of the year. Whereas in January, top manufacturers were reportedly running at utilizations of below 25%, October through December witnessed them being capacity-constrained. To call it a volatile year would be an understatement of sorts. CoPYRiGHT 2010, GREEnTECH MEdiA inC All RiG


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