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Brief introduction · Arthur Conan Doyle(阿瑟·柯南·道尔 ) · the 19C to the 21 century * Sherlock Holmes Benedict Cumberbatch · consulting detective(资询侦探) ·Brilliant, aloof(冷漠的) and almost entirely lacking in social graces(缺乏社交礼仪). * Dr John Watson Martin Freeman · assistant best friend · Brave Resourceful(机智的 ) Affinity(亲和) practical(注重实际的 ) * There is quite a lot of differences between this fashion Sherlock and the classical one. * He is fashion, he use blackberry to sent messages Watson use Nokia to Reply… * (演绎法) 一旦你排除了所有不可能的事实外,那么剩下的,不管多么不可思议,那就是事实的真相。 original work (原著) * * A Study in Pink (粉色的研究) The Blind Banker (盲目的银行家) The great game (致命游戏) A Scandal in Belgravia (贝尔格戈亚的丑闻) Hounds of Baskerville (巴斯克维尔的猎犬) The Reichenbach Fall(莱辛巴赫的陨落) A Study in Scarlet (血字的研究) * Steven Moffat says: “Conan Doyle‘s stories were never about frock coats(礼服大衣) and gas light; they’re about brilliant detection, dreadful villains(可恶的罪犯 )and blood-curdling(令人毛骨悚然的) crimes – and frankly, to hell with the crinoline. Other detectives have cases, Sherlock Holmes has adventures, and thats what matters. * Let’s enjoy Sherlock’s fantastic reasoning(推理) * The story is not over… * *
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