Unit 3 Young William Shakespeare年轻的莎士比亚演示教学.ppt

Unit 3 Young William Shakespeare年轻的莎士比亚演示教学.ppt

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Unit 3 Young William Shakespeare年轻的莎士比亚演示教学.ppt

Unit?3?Young?William?Shakespeare ;Unit Overview;Home reading of unit 2 ;Scout(6): 侦查员 Call on, approve of (9):号召,赞成 Outfit(13):provide with配备 Plunge over(18): come in suddenly On the hoof(25): (指牛)活的 Saddlebag(28):鞍囊,挂包 Dugout(28):防空洞,独木舟;;Reading skill;Reading Speed;Speed Reading Factors That Influence Reading Rate;Techniques for Speed Reading;Techniques for Speed Reading;Read aloud please!;Phrase Reading Example;Key Word Reading;Key word reading is a new technique. Although it is faster than most of the careful reading techniques, the reader must expect a decrease in factual comprehension. In some situations, it is worth the loss, depending on the reader’s purpose and the type of material being read.;Key word reading is a new technique. Although it is faster than most of the careful reading techniques, the reader must expect a decrease in factual comprehension. In some situations, it is worth the loss, depending on the reader’s purpose and the type of material being read. ;;Rereading ;Skimming is the reading style used by flexible readers when their purpose is to quickly obtain a general idea about the reading material.? The Skimming style is most useful when you have to read a large amount of material in a short amount of time. When using the Skimming style, you should identify the main ideas in each paragraph and ignore the details in supportive sentences. Because you are only looking for the main idea in each paragraph you read, a lower level of comprehension is to be expected than when using the Study Reading style. ;When to Skim? scanning;How to Skim;Demonstration of Skimming ;Some paragraphs merely repeat ideas. Occasionally the main idea can’t be found in the opening sentence. The whole paragraph must then be read. Title!!! Then leave out a lot of the next paragraph to make up time. Remember to keep a very fast rate. Don’t be afraid to leave out half or more of each paragraph. Don’t get interested and start to read everything. Skimming practice makes it



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