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广州新版七年级下册Unit 1讲解与练习 (一)重点单词和短语考查 重点单词 _________________人________________快乐的__________________工作努力的 _________________耐心的________________ 聪明的_________________很可能 __________________忘记(过去式)_____________气味_______________照顾 __________________想念__________________玩笑__________________笑 __________________仍然是_________________严格的__________________鼓励 __________________支持________________获得成功的_________________成员_________________段落 重点短语 __________________除……之外,也 __________________ 照顾 __________________ 讲笑话 ________________________嘲弄,取笑 _______________________对……要求严格__________________ 放弃 __________________ 上班____________________________ 夜以继日 (二)课文知识点梳理 1..hard-working (形容词性合成词 ,当形容词使用)努力的,勤奋的 eg: He is a hard-working person 2. patient: (1)adj. 耐心的,能容忍的 Be patient!耐心点 ! be patient with sb.对某人有耐心 (2)n.病人 eg:护士对她的病人们很有耐心 The nurse______ very p__________ _________ her patients. 3.原文重现:My grandma was a short woman with gray hair. 考点 with:表伴随状态,“具有;带有” eg:英语老师手里拿着一本书走进课室。 The English teacher came in ______ a book ______ her hand. 【拓展】与...一起,和... eg: She lives with her son. 4.原文重现:I’ll never forget the taste,and the smell as well. 考点 as well :位于句末 also:肯定句,句中 too: 肯定句,句末,前有逗号 either: 否定句,句末,前有逗号 as well as与as well ? 解析:as well as :还有、不但…而且… 5.Never give up and you’ll be successful. give up 放弃,后接v--ing Exercise: 一、根据句意和所给的首字母填空。 1. She passed her exam easily, because she is h__________. 2. My grandparents stay at hometown and I m________ them very much. 3. I was laughing because she just told me a funny j_________. 4. Don’t l_________ at others when they are in trouble. 5. Teachers always give us s__________ so that we can work out the problem. 6.Jack is s_____________. He is good at all his subjects at school. 7. Jack’s best friend went abroad three years ago. Jack now m______ him a lot. 8. His jock was very funny. It made all of us l____________. 9. Mr Li asked a difficult que


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