牛津英语8A Unit5 Checkout--公开课.ppt

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牛津英语8A Unit5 Checkout--公开课

1.西蒙是个细心的学生。他写作业很认真。 Simon is ________________. He __________________________. 2.我们有一个幸福的家,叫中国。我们过得很幸福。 We have _______________ called China. We ___________. 3.如果你吃得健康,你就会健康。 If you ___________, you’ ll ____________. 4.那个小孩很粗心。他总是粗心地丢垃圾。 That child ________________. He always ____________________. 5.阅览室里很安静。请你悄悄地走进去。 The reading room _____________. Please ____________________. Zhalong Nature R________ --- a s______place in Heilongjiang in n_________ China. It p_______ food and s_______for wildlife. T______ from China and other countries go to Zhalong to w______the birds there. W_______are an ideal home for birds, plants and f____. Many birds live in Zhalong all year round and some fly there for a short s_____. They can find food e_____ there. More than 200 kinds of birds stay in Zhalong in winter, including red-crowned c_______. There will be less and less s______ to live, so we should p_______the environment(环境) and w_________. Zhalong needs more people to work there. It is a good chance for us to know more about different kinds of birds and insects. I learn about the i___________ of wetlands . We hope to make more people a________take action to protect wildlife. Use the simple present tense to talk about the future: The film __________________ in two minutes. Our plane _______________ at 10 tonight. My cousin _________________ school next month. 1.当我们到达锡惠山公园时,工作人员彬彬有礼地跟我们打招呼。 When we arrived at Xihui Park, the worker greeted us politely. 2.导游叫我们走慢点别吓唬小鸟。 The guide told us to walk slowly and not to frighten the birds. 3.米莉发言一向很温柔。 Millie always speaks very gently. 4.那天,我们上大巴时阳光明媚。 That day the sun shone brightly when we got on the bus. 5.我们一直大声交谈,直到高老师叫我们保持安静为止。 We talked loudly until Mr Gao told us to be quiet. * Unit 5 Birdwatchers Checkout Mainly revision: 词汇识记 课文复习 重点句型 语法回顾 1. It has long-pointed wings and a forked tail. 2. It has many long things li


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