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* 阿尔茨海默症防治相关知识埃及的金字塔有建造方法动画艾司洛尔在神经外科重症中的应用二级二班防溺水等安全教育 * 1.You can have your hair cut at the___(理发店) 2.I don‘t mind at all._____(真正地), I would be delighted to help. 3.she usually writes about environment _(问题). 4.people ran for the exits, __(尖叫)out in terror. 5.His sister ______(尖叫)out that he was crazy. 6.It is _________(难以置信)that they have permitted this trial to go _____(继续) 7.There is a stamp on the _______(信封). 8.___(相反)to the public, he was to blame. 9.The nurse must be __(耐心)with __(病人). 10.Teaching children with special needs requires ______(耐心)and understanding. 11.I think it is time we _____(寻求) legal advice. 12.She sat ______(耐心地) waiting for her turn. 13. we are currently _______(寻找) new ways of expanding our membership. 14.The event was ________(叙述)a success. 15.The poor weather may have _____(解释)for the small crowd. 16.The Janpanese market _____(占据) for 35% of the companys revenue. 17.She gave the police a full _____(解释) of the accident. 18. She was wearing a black skirt with white _____(点). 19.She is always polite;we cant find _____(挑剔)with her. 20.It is easy to be distracted and let your attention _____(走神). 21.The child was found ______(徘徊)on the streets alone. 22.The teams victory produced ___(场面) of joy all over the country. 23.They all love _____(冒险) travels. 24.There are some of her ________(冒险) travelling in African. 26.On ______(到达),he went to his office. 27.We apologise for the late ________(到达)of the train. 28.One of the problems of old age is that your memory can start to play___(玩笑)on you. 29.She was ______(骗) out of his life savings. 30.There are pictures of ________(饥饿) children. 1.barber‘s 2.Indeed 3.issues 4.screaming 5.screamed 6. unbelievable ahead 7. envelope8.Contrary 9.patient patients 10.patience 11.sought 12.patiently 13. seeking 14.accounted 15.accounted 16.accounts 17.account 18.spots 19.fault 20.wander 21.wandering 22.scenes 23.adventure 24.adventures 26.arriving 27. arrival 28.tricks 29.tr


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