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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 作业 根据你自己对讲课内容的理解,用文字方式简明扼要地综述以下内容 (1)主要生物大分子类型、化学结构、功能? (2)细胞如何氧化葡萄糖以获得能量? (3)光合作用的基本过程 每题回答不超过300字。手写,不打印!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3 CO2 + 9 ATP + 6 NADPH ? glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate + 9 ADP + 8 Pi + 6 NADP+ 开尔文循环 CO2浓度的影响 CO2浓度增加通常能加强光合作用. 在CO2浓度较低的情况下: RUBISCO具有氧化酶的活性,光呼吸作用 The uptake of O2 by RUBISCO forms: the 3-carbon molecule 3-phosphoglyceric acid — just as in the Calvin cycle the 2-carbon molecule glycolate. --〉 CO2 凡是在叶肉细胞中,通过卡尔文循环,将二氧化碳固定,生成富含能量的三碳化合物,甘油醛 3-磷酸(G3P)的植物,被称为C3植物 大豆,燕麦,小麦,水稻 C4植物 PEP carboxylase, which has a stronger affinity for carbon dioxide than does RuBP carboxylase CO2被浓缩 RUBISCO在高CO2,低O2分压的环境中催化。 。 At night, CAM plants take in CO2 through their open stomata The CO2 joins with PEP to form the 4-carbon oxaloacetic acid. This is converted to 4-carbon malic acid that accumulates during the night in the central vacuole of the cells. In the morning, the stomata close (thus conserving moisture as well as reducing the inward diffusion of oxygen). The accumulated malic acid leaves the vacuole and is broken down to release CO2. The CO2 is taken up into the Calvin (C3) cycle. 2. CAM植物:C4 与C3循环在时间上分开 必须先被转化为氨(NH4) or 硝酸盐 (NO3). 固氮菌:将氮气转化为氨 氮的固定 大气中氮气含量:79% 但绝大多数生物不能利用它为氮源。 氮循环 固氮反应: N2 + 8H+ + 8e- + 16 ATP = 2NH3 + H2 + 16ADP + 16 Pi prokaryotes (the bacteria and related organisms), using an enzyme complex termed nitrogenase. This enzyme consists of two proteins - an iron protein and a molybdenum-iron protein, as shown below. nitrogenase 根瘤菌与固氮酶 Type of fixation N2 fixed (1012 g per year, or 106 metric tons per year) Non-biological Industrial about 50 Combustion about 20 Lightning about 10 Total about 80 Biological Agricultural land about 90 Forest and non-agricultural land about 50 Sea about 35 Total about 175 氮循环与富营养化 农业发展到只固氮量增加。 去硝化细菌增长赶不上固氮的增长。 有机化的氮增加。 水体富营养化。 富营养化带来的生态问题 SO4-2 + 2 ATP + 2 NADPH + H+ + serine +


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