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30 2 Vol. 30, No. 2 2008 4 PETROLEUM GEOLOGY EXPERIMENT Apr. , 2008 : 1001- 6112(2008)02- 0154- 08 1, 2 3 4 赵克斌 , 刘崇禧, 李 伟 ( 1. , 100083; 2. , 102249;3. , 230022; 4. , 100083) :,,: 1) , ,; 2) 2 , ;3) ,, ;4) , , , , : ;; ; ; ; : TE121. 1 : A HYDROGEOCHEMICAL REGULARITY OF PETROLIFEROUS BASINS 1, 2 3 4 Zhao Kebin , Liu Chon xi , Li Wei ( 1. R es ear ch I nst it ute of P etr ole um Ex p lor at io n and P r od uct ion, SI N OPE C, B eij ing , 100083 Ch ina 2. China Un iv er sity of P etr oleum , B ej ing 102249, China 3. H ef ei I ns tit ute of P etro leum Geochem ical E xp lor at ion, R es ear ch I nst it ute of P etr ole um Ex p lor ation and P ro d uct ion, SI N OPE C, H ef ei, A nhui 230022, Ch ina 4. R esearch I nst it ute of P etr oleum Exp lor at ion and D ev elop ment , P etr oChina, B e ij ing 100083, Ch ina) Abstract: T he hy dro eochemical evolution re ularity of oil and as accumulation in an artesian basin has been studied by takin the artesian basin as a w hole. Some new understandin s are ained as follow s: 1) The horizontal movement of the under round w ater w ithin the basin causes the hydro eochemical com- positions to chan e re ularly from the w ater r echar e area to the w ater dischar e area, providin the hy dro eolo ical basis for


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