商务英语沟通05002 - 课程名称:商务英语写作课程代码:05440(理论).doc

商务英语沟通05002 - 课程名称:商务英语写作课程代码:05440(理论).doc

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商务英语沟通05002 - 课程名称:商务英语写作课程代码:05440(理论)

课程名称:商务英语沟通 课程代码:05002 第一部分 课程性质与目标 课程性质与特点 商务英语为学生今后从事商务活动、人际交往和职业发展中进行有效打好基础。本课程的教学目的是本课程终结时,学生应达到如下要求: 1. 熟2.能掌握3.能学生的实际语言运用能力 次 容 时 如何申请理想工作 12 第二章 简历与面试 12 第三章 口头商务沟通 12 第四章 同事沟通及客户沟通 16 第五章 书面沟通 16 第六章 商务会议 16 第七章 跨文化沟通 16 第八章 危机沟通 16 第九章 媒体沟通 16 第十章 商务沟通日日练 12 合 计 144 关于命题考试的若干规定 (包括能力层次比例、难易度比例、内容程度比例、题型、考试方法和考试时间等) 本大纲各单元所提到的内容和考核目标都是考试内容。试题覆盖到单元,适当突出重点。 试卷中对不同能力层次的试题比例大致是:“识记”为20%、“理解”为30%、“应用”为50%。 试题难易程度应合理:易、较易、较难、难比例为2:3:3:2. 每份试卷中,各类考核点所占比例约为:重点占65%,次重点占25%,一般占10%。 试题类型一般分为:名词解释,简答,配对,翻译,论述,应用等题型 考试采用闭卷笔试,考试时间150分钟,采用百分制评分,60分及格。 题型示例 名词解释 Define and explain the following items: Crisis management Minutes 简答 Answer the following questions: What are the 10 golden rules in crisis communication? What are the sources for businesses getting information about their products? 配对 Matching(find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table) A- Unspoken messages B- Meeting minutes C- Authoritarian 16. ( )会议纪要 17. ( )非言语信息 18. ( )独裁型 翻译 Translation Too often , job seekers develop a standard, or template, letter and use this for all the jobs they apply for. Potential employers recognize these letters immediately and they throw them away. If you are applying for a job in advertising then the fact that you once worked for a newspaper or television station is probably relevant. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 论述 Make a short analysis on the following topic: How to make your application attract an employer’s interest? How to prepare for a presentation? 应用 Application: You are a middle management member and you have been asked to prepare an outline programme for the second day of a visit by a group of 6 people from European companies that y


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