Theme Up,Preshy.doc

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 Unit 5 Theme parks Period One Warming Up,Pre-reading and Reading 1 topic,subject,theme 三者都作“题目,主题,话题”讲,但侧重点不同。 (1)topic可指文章、谈话的题目或内容,也可指提纲中的标题甚至段落及句子的中心思想。 (2)subject可与topic换用,但范围却比topic更广,若干个topic可组成较全面的subject。 (3)theme一般指论文、演讲、音乐等的主题,也可指一组作品的共同主题。                                                      用theme,topic,subject填空 (1)The topic of every paragraph is carefully introduced in its first sentence. (2)The theme of their discussion is “China in 2009”. (3)What is the subject of Feng Xiaogang’s new film? (4)Do you like the theme song of the film? 2 拓展归纳 a (great,wide) variety of各种各样的,种类繁多的 for a variety of reasons 因种种理由 in a variety of ways 用种种方法 varieties of (=a variety of)各种各样的(注意,介词of后的名词前不加冠词) a life full of variety 多姿多彩的生活 variety show 综艺节目 vary one’s method of work 改变工作方法 vary the programmes 使节目多样化 完成句子 (1)Opinions on this matter vary_from_person_to_person(因人而异). (2)He had_various_interests (兴趣广泛)which made him an agreeable companion. (3)Today CCTV offers a_great_variety_of_programmes (各种各样的电视节目)to meet different needs and tastes. 3 用法点拨 swing v.(1)(使)动摇,(使)摇摆;(2)(使)旋转;(3)(使)突然转向 n.(1)摇荡,摇摆;(2)秋千;(3)in full swing正在全力进行中 It’s 5 bad manners to swing your legs while eating. 吃东西时晃腿是没有礼貌的。 The monkey is swinging itself from tree to tree. 那只猴子在树与树之间荡来荡去。 I wanted to swing round and shout at him. 我想转身向他吼叫。 完成句子 (1)她在马戏团的高空秋千上来回摇荡。 She swung_to_and_fro on a circus trapeze. (2)我把车子开进车库。 I swung my car into the garage. (3)那辆自行车将在转角处转弯。 That bicycle will swing_around the corner. (4)船身晃得我直想呕吐。 The_swing of the ship made me sick. (5)公园里有几个秋千。 There are some_swings in the park. 4 拓展归纳 fun n.[U]嬉戏,玩笑;乐趣,娱乐 (just) for fun(=for fun of it=(just) in fun)开玩笑,取乐,为了好玩(高兴) make fun of...取笑…… be full of fun好玩得很 have fun玩得愉快 be fond of fun喜欢开玩笑 funny adj.好笑的;滑稽的;奇怪的 完成句子 (1)孩子们取笑他们的老师。 The youngsters made_fun_of their teacher. (2)嘲笑别人是不对的。 It’s wrong to make_fun_of others. 单项填空                (3)People ________ her because she wears such strange hats. A.make fun of B.ha



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