Unit 1 Art知识讲解 话.题语言应用——绘画艺术.doc

Unit 1 Art知识讲解 话.题语言应用——绘画艺术.doc

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话题语言应用——绘画艺术 编稿:牛新阁 审稿:王春霞 语言积累 交际用语——谈论喜好和偏爱   I’d prefer ... 我更喜欢......   I’d rather... 我宁可......   I’d like... /I want to... 我想.......   Which would you prefer, ...? / Would you like ... or ...?   你更喜欢哪一个?......还是......?   Would you rather (do)...? 你宁愿(做)...... ?   In my view/ opinion, I’d prefer... to... 依我看来,我更愿意/喜欢......而不愿意/不喜欢......?   Personally, I’d rather enjoy... 就我个人而言,我更喜欢......   As for me, I’d like ... better than ... 对我来说,与......相比,我更喜欢...... 话题词句 1.描述绘画的词汇: religious宗教的 realistic 现实(主义)的 abstract 抽象的 nature/ natural 自然/自然的 detailed 详细的/精细的 traditional 传统的 rich 丰富的 unfinished 未完成的 modern 现代的 delicate 精致的 superb 卓越的 ridiculous 荒谬的 line 线条 colour 颜色 shape 形状 figure 画像 clay 粘土 marble 大理石 Western-style painting 西方风格绘画 paint pictures 绘画 make sculptures 雕塑 design buildings 设计建筑 【高清课堂:Unit 1语言应用 绘画分类】 2. 有关绘画的分类: 油画:canvas 素描:line drawing, pencil sketch 水彩:watercolor painting 版画:print 草图:sketch 木板画:woodcut 印象派:impressionist 抽象派:abstract expressionist 3. 谈论画家及绘画 (注意划线部分,在阅读和写作中会非常有用的。) Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) 达芬奇 Leonardo was born in Vinci, Italy on April 15th, 1452.? He grew up in an environment rich with scholarly (学术性的) texts and art, provided by his father, who himself taught Leonardo how to paint. When he was in his late teens(13-19岁的后期), Leonardo was sent to Florence to be an apprentice(学徒)in the studio of a famous renaissance(文艺复兴)sculptor(雕刻家). Leonardo’s first moment in the sun came when Verrocchio(著名艺术家)asked him to help paint an angel in his “Baptism of Christ”(基督的洗礼) piece.? Leonardo so impressed his master that Verrocchio himself decided he would never paint again. The Last Supper ?It represents(表现)the scene of?The Last Supper?from the final days of?Jesus?when he announces that one of his?twelve disci


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