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某车间低压配电系统及车间变电所改造设计 摘 要 本次设计是关于标准件厂冷镦车间低压配电系统及车间变电所的设计。最先 从车间的布局考虑,参考了现在很多工厂的平面设计图,从各部分布局的可用性 和经济性入手,对工厂厂区的供电进行了设计。先从各部分的计算入手,其中包 括计算负荷和短路电流的计算、一次设备稳定度的效验。接下来进行了对变电所 高压进线和低压出线的选择,车间配电线路的设计。在变电所二次回路设计及继 电保护整定当中,考虑了各方面的保护及对保护器具的选择,防雷以及接地保护, 考虑到了车间布局的实际情况进行了对防雷接地设备的选择和设计。 关键词: 负荷计算 变压器选择 继电保护 设备选择 VI 某车间低压配电系统及车间变电所改造设计 Abstract This design is about standard factory cold heading workshop of low voltage distribution system and the design of the substation workshop. The first of the layout of the consideration from workshop, referred to the plane of the factory now many design, from the part of the layout of the usability and economy of the factory of the power supply to carry on the design. From the first part of the calculation of including the computational load and the calculation of short-circuit current, a equipment stability of come to pass. Then a substation to high voltage and low voltage into line of their choice, workshop distribution circuit design. In the second circuit design and substation of relay protection setting, considering the various aspects of the protection and to protect the choice of instruments, lightning protection and grounding protection, considered workshop layout of the real situation of lightning proof grounding equipment selection and design of. Keywords : load calculation transformer choice relay protection equipment select VII 某车间低压配电系统及车间变电所改造设计 目 录 第一章 前 言 1 第二章 负荷计算和无功功率补偿 3 2.1 车间的负荷计算3 2.2 无功功率补偿5 第三章 变电所位置和形式的选择及变压器的选择


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