英语读物An Entertaining History of Tom Thumb, by Unknown精品.pdf

英语读物An Entertaining History of Tom Thumb, by Unknown精品.pdf

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英语读物An Entertaining History of Tom Thumb, by Unknown精品

AN ENTERTAINING HISTORY OF TOM THUMB. EMBELLISHED WITH EIGHT COLOURED ENGRAVINGS. BALTIMORE: PRINTED PUBLISHED BY WM. RAINE, No. 74, BALTIMORE STREET. William Raine’s Edition. AN ENTERTAINING HISTORY OF TOM THUMB. In great King Arthur’s reign, Tom’s history first begun; A farmer’s wife had sigh’d in vain to have a darling son! A fairy listen’d to her call, and granted her the same; But being very small, Tom Thumb she did him name. To please him every means she’d take, And a pudding large did for him make; But in trying to obtain a sip, Into the batter did he slip! The batter in the pot went plump; Tom made the pudding skip and jump! His mother, with affright, did this espy, And gave it to a tinker passing by; Tom scream’d so loud, that, in dismay, He threw it down, and ran away. Tom to the fields with his mother went, To milk the cow was her intent; The wind blew high as they did walk, So she tied him to a thistle stalk; The cow the thistle view’d and cropp’d, In her mouth, with Tom, it soon was popp’d! Her teeth put Tom in such a fright, That he “mother” bawl’d with all his might! The cow, on hearing such a rout, Open’d her jaws, and Tom step’d out. Our hero great exploits went through; Away with him, once, a raven flew! A giant on him made a dish; He once was swallow’d by a fish! Poor Tom fell sick; when, in a trice, There came a car with flying mice: The queen, inside the car so grand, Convey’d poor Tom to a fairy land. His health restored, she, by her art, In a gale, sent Tom to Arthur’s court. King Arthur loved good furmenty,— The cook made a bowl for his majesty; In conveying it to the palace, hot, Our hero into the bowl did drop! The cook was fill’d with great su


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