选择法律,司法和ADR条款 Choice of law, jurisdiction and ADR clauses精品.pdf

选择法律,司法和ADR条款 Choice of law, jurisdiction and ADR clauses精品.pdf

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选择法律,司法和ADR条款 Choice of law, jurisdiction and ADR clauses精品

Choice of law, jurisdiction and ADR clauses  Choice of law, jurisdiction and ADR clauses 6th annual Contract Law Conference 26-28 February 2008 John Levingston1 Contents  Abstract 2  Introduction 2  Application to contracts and other things 3  Contracts, arrangements and understandings 3  Bailment (on terms) 4  Tort 4  Elements to be considered4  1  Choice of governing law5  Statute 7  Express choice 7  Implied choice of law 8  Law of the forum, place of the contract or performance8  Conflict of laws and jurisdiction8  International Approach by Australian Courts and application of foreign law10  2  Choice of jurisdiction 11  The general rule 11  A qualification 12  Exceptions and conflict - Admiralty and Equity 13  Forum non-conveniens 14  Australia 14  England 15  United States15  Stay proceedings – forum non-conveniens 15  Stay proceedings – express choice of jurisdiction16  Anti-suit injunctions 17  3  Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) 17  International Disputes18  Arbitration20  Mediation 20  Drafting an ADR clause 21  4  Enforcement 22  Court judgments 22  Arbitration awards 23  Conclusion 24  Bibliography 25  Schedule - A typical clause 26  1 John Levingston, practicing Barrister, Arbitrator and Mediator, Sydney, Adjunct Professor of Law University of Canberra and Conjoint Professor of Law University of Newcastle. Choice of law, jurisdiction and ADR clauses  Abstract Choice of law is different to the choice of jurisdiction, and the contract may expressly select different law and jurisdiction, or a different jurisdiction may be determined by statute or international convention. The selection of c


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