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毕业设计说?明书 基于单片机?的电加热恒?温控制器的?设计 专业 自动化 学生姓名 班级 B自动化0?61 学号 06106?30132? 指导教师 张 美 琪 完成日期 2010年?6月8日 基于单片机?的电加热恒?温控制器的?设计 摘 要:随着国民经?济的发展,人们需要对?各中加热炉?、热处理炉、反应炉和锅?炉中温度进?行监测和控?制。采用单片机?来对他们控?制不仅具有?控制方便,简单和灵活?性大等优点?,而且可以大?幅度提高被?控温度的技?术指标,从而能够大?大的提高产?品的质量和?数量。 介绍了一种?以AT89?S52为主?要控制器件?,以DS18?B20为温?度传感器的?新型数字温?度计设计方?法,其硬件电路?包括主控制?器,测温电路和?显示电路等?。该温度计用?于软件编写?过程中对上?下报警温度?值设置,当温度不在?设置范围内?时,可以报警。与传统的温?度计相比,该数字温度?计减少了外?部硬件电路?,具有低成本?和易使用的?特点。 关键词:单片机;恒温控制器?;DS18B?20 Based? on Monol?ithic? Integ?rated? Circu?its Elect?ric Heati?ng Const?ant Tempe?ratur?e Contr?oller?s Desig?n Abstr?act : Along? with natio?nal econo?my devel?opmen?t, the peopl?e need to each heati?ng furna?ce、the heat-treat?ment furna?ce、in the react?or and the boile?r the tempe?ratur?e carry? on the monit?or and the contr?ol. Not only uses the monol?ithic? integ?rated? circu?it to come to them to contr?ol has the contr?ol to be conve?nient?, simpl?e and flexi?bilit?y big and so on merit?s, moreo?ver may enhan?ce large? scale? is accus?ed the tempe?ratur?e techn?ical speci?ficat?ion, thus can big enhan?ce the produ?ct the quali?ty and quant?ity. A new type digit?al therm?omete?r is intro?duced?, which? take a micro? contr?oller? unit as prima?ry contr?ol compo?nent andDS?18B20? as tempe?ratur?e senso?r. The hardw?are circu?it mainl?y inclu?des maste?r contr?oller?, tempe?ratur?e measu?remen?t circu?it and displ?ay circu?it. The softw?are devel?opmen?t can be made up from tempe?ratur?e,when the tempe?ratur?e is not in the rank of writt?en in,the therm?omete?r can warni?ng. Compa?red with the tradi?tiona?l therm?omete?r, this digit?al therm?omete?r can reduc?e exter?nal hardw?are circu?it, and it featu?res low lost and easil?y use. Key words?: Monol?ithic? Integ?rated? Circu?it; Heati?ng Const?ant; DS18B?20 目 录 1 概 述 1 1.1 课题研究的?背景 1 1.2 课题研究的?意义 1 1.3 课题研究的?内容 2 2 系统的方案?设计 3 2.1系统设计? 3 2.2 方案设计 3 2.2.1 控制电路和?温度设定电?路方案与选?择 3 2.2.2 测温电路方?案选择 4 2.2.3 显示模块的?选择方案和?论证 4 2.2.4 加热电路方?案选择 4 2.2.5 单片机的选?择 5 2.2.6


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